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Why did God cause the message of his earlier revelations to be distorted? Why was only the Qur’an given special protection status? After all, the other revelations were God’s messages too.






We only SUPPOSE that it was God who “caused” His earlier messages to get distorted. There is no veritable truth behind this Supposition.


I would say rather it was man who kept distorting God’s message by virtue of his unbridled freedom of thought and action. God, on the contrary, always continued sponsoring and attesting the veracity of even those “lost” messages, lastly thru His Quranic injunctions. Eventually, a time came in the end when God thought it proper, and decided, to give his last, final and most detailed message a permanent protection.


So we have Quran which by all accounts stands in its genuine and original form. It’s quite a different story that people having different mindset, and often malicious interests, derive guidance from it in different forms, often conflicting with each other’s interpretations and mostly serving the damned coercive tactics of the powerful capitalist human Mafia, the ever-present Satan or Lucifer.



Now other details pertaining to this question are also answered. Those details of your question are like this :-


- “Dr. Shabbir Ahmed says that humanity was not yet primed for the final revelation until the time of Prophet Muhammad. By the time of his advent, he says, “The evolution of human civilization (had) now come to a point where the Final message for all mankind (could) be given, implemented and preserved forever”. Well, in the intervening period in which humanity was being primed, hundreds of thousands of innocent people perished. Was there really a need for this? Couldn’t God have managed this exercise without this? The people affected by this “priming exercise” experienced unmeasurable harshness – their sons murdered, the modesty of their daughters outraged, their homes razed, their livelihoods destroyed – because God was priming humankind for the final revelation?


If the first revealed message had stayed intact, there would have been no schisms and infighting between the Abrahamic religions, entailing countless deaths and inhuman aggression that continues to this day.After the earlier messages were revealed, why did God decide to lead mankind down such a difficult path, and that too for centuries upon centuries? What was the sense of revealing those earlier messages, then?


- If the priming period is indeed a legitimate reason, then can God still be called a Compassionate and Merciful God given the amount of carnage that he allowed to happen due to this exercise? “



NOW,,,,,,,,The above can be answered by only one small question.


“Has humanity NOW, after the last protected Revelation, become sufficiently ‘primed’ to produce the results required by God’s messages?”


Are there no more deaths and destruction, no more rifts and schisms, no more turbulence and exploitation in human societies after it has “primed” and received the last revelation???


I hope your answer is in negative; and brother Dr. Shabbir’s theory of “priming” dies its own natural death …… No?



Some more answers to your Question No. 1).


No Sir, God never said the path of human journey was easy and peaceful. God planned to create a highly conscious life form in the shape of human species, who would be a combination of animal organism AND an invisible and non-material conscious self. As this higher form of life was set free and independent in its thoughts and actions, its path was filled with autocratic delinquent behavior of mischief, chaos, trouble and bloodshed.


Had it not been so, how would He put to test and examine the individual and collective performance of humans in the perspective of the qualities and attributes given to them, and then reward or punish them in this world and in the Hereafter. Remember the Verse where Malaaika question Him as to why HE creates a species which would cause “fasaad” and bloodshed on earth. HE said that only He knew about His plans and goals.


And please always do remember that whatever crimes man commits, he does so with his own free will and authority, because he has not been created a Robot; and because he has set wrong or low Ideals for him. God can’t be blamed for man’s acts, particularly when God has discharged His duty fully through transmission of His guidance to man via two perfect sources – an inner and an outer source. Also to remember are the countless injunctions proclaiming this life as that of “Ibtilaa” (troubles and miseries).


And,,,,, Because of His ever present Guidance and His limitless bounties that sustain and nourish man on the mother Earth, He can still be, and will always be, called Most Compassionate and Merciful.