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June, 2011







The Ultimate Reality of the



Explored in the Light of

Scientific Facts 

In a Brief, But Most Pertinent,

Matter-of-Fact Paradigm 




Since the dawn of human life on this planet, man has been constantly trying to solve the puzzle of his whence and whither, and the purpose of his life on earth; the urge to know himself is innate.  It was this innate urge of knowing himself that compelled man to search around him, and to probe into the reality and significance of the universe.

Man conceived countless concepts about the reality of the universe which he regarded as the ideal or the purpose of life.  The history of mankind is, in fact, the history of the development of these ideals.  Since these ideals did not exist independent of the human self, therefore, human history is the history of the development of human consciousness, or the increasing knowledge of the human self.

When we look into history, human consciousness appears to have followed two schools of thought.  One of the schools of thought is that man is pure matter, and after having lived his life he disappears in matter.  As such, according to this school of thought, the reality of the universe is nothing but matter, which is without any purpose or scheme.  Life evolves as a result of natural selection, and under the principle of survival of the fittest.

The natural consequence of this thinking is that human ideals have no significance except to maintain the animal aspect of the human life and continue to discharge the obligations of the animal nature.  As against this, the second school of thought considers this universe as the CREATION.  Since whatever concrete has emerged as a result of creation, it is the higher values of consciousness, therefore, according to this school, the reality behind the creation could be Absolute Consciousness or Absolute Being.  Also, as creation is never without a purpose, therefore, the man who is placed at the apex of the creation is being drawn constantly to the purpose of the Creator.

With the advent of the 20th century, the concept of the matter underwent a radical change.  The scientists have now accepted that in reality matter is nothing but energy which has taken on itself a veil of solidification.  More so, matter is energy, because every particle of this universe is in constant motion, and wherever there is motion there is energy too.  As to whether the reality of the universe is mere matter or mere energy, or that it is Absolute Consciousness or Absolute Being, we have to start with the preliminary question as to how this universe as a whole came into existence.

From the scientific point of view it appears that this universe is limited and that in the undefined past it had a gaseous form which, with the expansion of gas particles, developed into a huge revolving cloud or nebula. This mighty nebula split up, in the course of rotation, into a number of smaller nebulae. Each nebula broke up again into a group of stars as a stellar system. The stellar system which came into existence as a result of splitting up of the galactic nebula contains the sun around which revolves our earth. On earth, physical laws appeared and these laws continued to develop until their completion when the stage of vegetative life started.

Thereafter, the animal life came into existence which was followed by human life. Thus, the overall picture of creation when seen in retrospect shows that the universe exists as a complete unit in which every new stage is linked or connected with its preceding stage. The law of continuity supports this fact. Moreover we do not find any conflict in the laws governing the universe, which is a positive proof that all of its creative stages have developed under one continuous system.

The universality of the physical laws, which are based on a unified system, points towards the positive purpose of creation of the universe. IT IS BECAUSE WHEREVER THERE ARE LAWS OR A SYSTEM, THERE IS A PURPOSE BEHIND THEM. AND,,,, purpose cannot be dissociated from the conscious self or conscious being. This means that wherever there is a purpose, there is always behind it a conscious self who conceived the purpose.

The fact that the universe has laws and, therefore purpose, shows that whatever the reality of the universe may be, it must have the attribute of a conscious self or conscious being.

The fallacy, therefore, becomes clear that the reality of the universe is not matter, because if we accept matter to be the reality of the universe, we will have to accept that matter is not only conscious of itself, but is also aware of its purpose and aim. This is, however, contrary to reality, because the evolutionary process of matter shows that it has constantly arisen from lower conscious levels to higher conscious plans.  We know that WITHOUT PRIOR UNDERSTANDING, MATTER CANNOT RISE TO A HIGHER PLAN AUTOMATICALLY.  If it does, it means that it is conscious of the higher values at the lower level of its existence; which is not possible.  Accordingly, there must exist certain Entity which is not only conscious of its own self, but which is conscious of the overall purpose of the creation of the universe.


For the sake of argument, if it is considered that since matter has the attributes of consciousness, and as such matter and consciousness are two parallel realities, we have to reject this hypothesis outright because two realities cannot exist side by side as the universality of the physical laws that points towards one single purpose cannot admit of any plurality or duality.

In support of those who contend that the reality of the universe is real matter, we are left with one more supposition. That is, matter has the attributes of a seed which is unfolding itself through an evolutionary process.  By treating matter as a seed, we are confronted with the problem as to who is nourishing this seed.  It is because a seed is nourished by soil, air and water, so also is the fetus which is fed through an umbilical cord.  Unless, therefore, the seed of "matter‟ is nourished by Absolute Conscious Being or Absolute Self, the matter could not evolve on its own to definite plans as it has.

The idea that life has evolved of its own, through the process of natural selection from within, is not conceivable either.  It could be meaningful only if the natural selection is a conscious act, and the selection is made for attaining a certain purpose.  Without any purpose in view, natural selection would imply a mere blind act, and blind acts are doomed to destruction. The fact that the universe has successfully developed from lower to higher conscious stages, shows that the universe is advancing towards a certain goal.  We conclude, therefore, that the universe is not an entity in itself, but is a creation which is being created under definite principles and laws.  And that at the back of these laws, there is some Being who is aware of its purpose, as also of its own self as a distinct and unique Entity.  Unless such an Entity knows itself, its attributes and its possibilities, it cannot create.  We may call this Entity the Absolute Consciousness or Absolute Being.  In other words, the universe is a creation in which Absolute Consciousness or Being is manifesting his Ideal, which is hidden in himself and attracting him to bring it out through the genius of his creative activity.  Since creation has a beginning and an end, therefore, the creative process appears in the shape of evolution unfolding the purpose or ideal of the Creator.

The universe has been created as a single unit.  Therefore, we take it that its Creator is also one.  Since the universe, after various stages of its creation, has ultimately entered the human stage, and the greatest achievement at the human stage is attainment of self-consciousness, we can safely say that the purpose of the creation of the universe is to create man.  Man is, therefore, the ideal of the Absolute Consciousness, whom the Creator processed through various stages, by shaping and nourishing with his own attributes, until reaching the human stage, the attributes of the Creator appeared in man as a soul.

Since the attributes that appeared as a "soul‟ in man belonged to the Absolute Consciousness or Absolute Being, the soul of man began to reflect from within the feeling of the presence of its maker.  This reflection of presence of Absolute Consciousness in man made him self-conscious.  We can, therefore, conclude that since all the previous creative stages of the universe meant the creation of man, and since the most significant thing that has emerged at the human stage is self- consciousness, it suggests that in each creative stage of the universe, fundamentally it was consciousness which was emerging as natural attraction for the Creator in accordance with such conscious value as determined by the Creator.  The universe thus seen looks like the creative art of the Absolute Consciousness, which as it developed, continued to reflect conscious attributes of the Creator.

Reflection of consciousness in man shows that the Creator is Universal Consciousness.  It is because every creation, whether human or divine, reflects the attributes of the creator.  It is the desire or will of the creator that attracts him to create, and if the creator cannot express his will in his creation, or the creation does not reflect the attributes of the creator, the creation cannot take place. Thus every creation, whether human or Divine, must reflect the attributes of its creator.

The desire to manifest something of his own attributes creates urge in the creator for creation.  On the other hand, as the creation gradually develops, it rises towards its own source, the creator, whose attributes are already reflected in the creation.  This automatically creates an urge in the creation to seek and love its creator.  In the case of the universe, as it gradually finds reflection of attributes of its Creator in it, it strives hard to realize its Creator.  Creation owes its entire existence to the Creator and, therefore, its happiness lies only in loving and seeking the Creator.  Whatever is created is the manifestation of the Creator himself.  The creation, on the other hand, is fashioned out of the desire of the Creator in which the soul of the Creator flows and makes the creation alive – alive to its source, the Creator.


As we have discussed in the preceding paragraphs, it is now generally believed that the reality of the universe is energy.  Hitherto it was considered as pure matter.  The reason for this change is said to be that although matter can convert into energy, and likewise energy can convert into matter, yet there is no form of matter which does not contain energy.  Energy is, therefore, the essence or reality of the universe.  All the beauty and attraction that exists in the universe, the light of the day and darkness of the night, all colours and shades and the various grades of matter, right from the beginning of the universe up to the intellectual stage of man, are the manifestations of energy.  Even the self-consciousness of man is the evolutionary form of energy.

We are aware of many forms in which energy is used in different ways.  For example, according to the physical laws, sound produces different waves in atmosphere.  These waves, if captured in a magnetic tape, can be reproduced again in the form of sound.  At the biological stages energy manifests itself in a most complicated form.  If we burn a piece of wood, energy inherent in the wood would manifest itself in the form of carbon, heat and light.  Even its remnants, the ashes, disappear in the atmosphere in the shape of small particles. Thus, the wood which was the congealed shape of energy, turned into various forms of energy after its burning.

We cannot, however, accept energy as the reality of the universe on the simple ground that it is never stable.  Anything which is not stable in itself cannot be the Creator or the Reality of the universe.  In view of the above, some philosophers and thinkers have maintained that behind energy there is another kind of energy which, according to them, is the reality of the universe. They name that energy as "stable‟ energy.

Apparently, this hypothesis seems to be convincing, because motion being the basic property of simple energy, it continues to change and anything which is subject to change cannot be the Creator.  Hence "stable energy‟ only could be the reality of the universe, which is shaping or building the universe.  However, when we deeply study the creative process of the universe, we find that the universe has been created in successive stages, and the basic characteristic which differentiates these stages is the lower or higher values of consciousness.

Unless, therefore, mind or consciousness was active in the energy for attaining certain higher goals, none of the form of energy, whether simple or stable, could without prior understanding, move automatically from lower conscious stages to higher conscious stages, that is, from material stages of the universe to the self-conscious stage of man.

Moreover, whether the energy is simple or stable, it cannot explain the universe as it exists.  All the shapes of matter, geometrical properties of Cosmos, harmonious continuity in physical laws, attraction and urge in life, are such properties which could not emerge simply by jolts or motions.  We have the reason to believe, therefore, that unless motion or movement is guided by a certain entity having such qualities which cause stars to twinkle, the clouds to thunder, the rivers and streams to flow, the flowers to bloom and the urge in life to manifest itself in all its splendor, none of the above values would have come into existence.

Also, all such qualities which emerge in a new form in man like faith, love, self-esteem, will and self-consciousness, etc. clearly indicate that energy AS UNDERSTOOD BY PHYSICISTS cannot be the reality of this wonderful universe.  The reality of the universe could only be something which is self-conscious and which possesses qualities similar to those manifested in man. Otherwise, we cannot explain the will or volition of man nor the phenomena of love and attraction manifested in life throughout the created stages of the universe.


At the Cosmic Stage these units of life lived in the form of material organism.  At the biological stages these units of life or energy lived in the organism of plants and animals.  And at the human stage, these units of life appeared in human consciousness or human self.  We can also name energy as conscious or creative vitality of the Absolute Consciousness who manifests his volition in every creative act. Therefore, each movement or motion is activated thought or consciousness.

The Absolute Consciousness, being unique in himself and in his attributes, he conceives his beauty and charm in the form of an Ideal and wants to bring it into reality.  So long as he does not bring it into reality, the Ideal which remains implicit in the mind of the Creator continues to attract him from within for its creation.  The real urge behind creation is thus the extreme love or attraction for the Ideal which when flows, emerges in the form of motion.

In other words, we can say that the urge which is conscious in nature, when energized with the attraction of the Ideal, it begins to move in the symbol of matter.  Matter is, therefore, nothing but a charge of attraction.  Its every motion brings along with it the attributes of the Ideal of the Creator.  The motion neither exists independent of its own nor is it mechanical in nature. It is the activity of consciousness through which it manifests its attributes.  Thus seen, the fountain-head of all activities is the Absolute Consciousness.


We can see the motion and matter but not the energy.  It is because energy is non-material and it cannot be apprehended by the senses.  We can understand the property of motion and energy by studying its behavior at the physical and biological stages of the universe.  Unfortunately, the modern concept of energy and motion has been vague and misleading.  The physicists define energy as something which works.  This is a vague definition as work could only be that work which is being acted upon to attain the cherished goal.  In other words, some purpose or motive must exist behind every motion.

In order to define our view, we shall briefly discuss the various stages of the universe and the forms of energy and motion at each stage subject to the conscious level of the stage.

Although the universe exists as a single unit, yet, when we ponder seriously over its various processes, we find that it is Life or Consciousness which has been created in different closed systems or stages, that is, the Cosmic Stage, the Planet Earth, the Vegetative Stage, the Animal Stage and, lastly, the Human Self-conscious stage.  Let us first discuss here the self-conscious stage of man, which is the most significant and highest conscious stage of the universe.  For this purpose, we shall have a cursory look at the material forms built by man all over the globe since his emergence at the human stage.  We find huge buildings, network of roads, factories, automobiles, furniture, fabrics and infinite varieties of goods etc.  All these forms have been built as a result of motion. The media of motion, that is, the tools used by man, are various and of different kinds.  We may divide these tools into three groups or grades for convenience of understanding.

Firstly, there are physically built-in tools which the human body has brought with it such as legs, hands, feet etc.  Secondly, those tools which belong to the animal stage of life, such as domesticated animals. Thirdly, those tools which the human intellect created from various living forms of matter such as plants as well as minerals and substances, including water, gas, electricity etc.  We may name this group of tools mechanical tools such as hammer, sickle, cranes, automobiles, bulldozers, generators and different kinds of machines.  All these tools are used and controlled by the human intellect or human conscious self for achieving certain purposes. One thing which is common among all these tools and which has made the use of these tools possible, is motion.  Motion may be mechanical or physical, it may be slow or fast, but all the forms on earth built by man are the result of motion.  Motion is, however, not possible without these tools.  Also the motion of tools, whether it is the motion of hands or the motion of machines, does not exist independent of the purpose which the human intellect or human conscious self wants to achieve.

In the manufacturing of machines it is the human consciousness which acts in the form of machines.  The Machine as a tool of motion could not exist without the flow of human consciousness that created it.  Now as we see it, basically the characteristic of motion is the same, but the media of motion, that is, the tools, are of many forms.  In the motion of each form of tool it is the purpose of the human conscious self which acts.

In other words, these tools are extensions of the hands and feet of human beings, through which the human intellect or consciousness acts to achieve certain purposes.  Just as the motion of the tool of the pen or pencil follows the motion of the tool of the hand, and both these tools are controlled and acted upon by the human consciousness which uses them for achieving certain purposes, similarly all other forms of tools are the extension of the hands of the human body, through which the human consciousness works.  If we take away the human intellect or conscious self, we will find that all the man-made forms on the globe will disappear, and so with it the tools created by the human self.  Thus it is the human consciousness which produces motion.

These tools are energized by the human consciousness and, therefore, in so far as they serve the purpose of the human conscious self, they are living and conscious.  Otherwise, these forms of tools or energy simply cannot exist.

The confusion about energy and motion arises because we see things in parts or in isolation, removed from the overall purpose. Now taking the creation of the universe as a whole, we can understand in a much better way the reality of motion vis-à-vis its tools through which it works.  As we have explained above, motion or, for that matter, any of its tools, has no meaning unless motion follows the pattern set by the overall purpose or consciousness creating the universe in successive stages.

At each creative stage of the universe, there may be infinite forms of tools animated or energized by the purpose, and so there may be infinite patterns of motion according to the level of conscious values to be achieved at each stage.  In other words, in spite of all these varieties of tools, there is only one basic energy permeating the universe, and that energy is not mechanical energy as generally understood by the physicists.  It is living or conscious energy which knows itself as also its purpose.

Let us take, for example, the first Cosmic Stage of the Universe.  Here the tool is the photon particle and its motion is the speed of light.  The photon has been created by the Absolute Consciousness for manifesting his Ideal.  The photon is living, in so far as it follows the Absolute Consciousness or Will of the Creator.  All the different forms of matter and their grades that were created at the Cosmic Stage, and which the physicists name as the various forms of energy, followed motion as determined by the overall purpose of the Creator to be achieved at the Cosmic Stage. Therefore, all the patterns of motion, and the tools such as sub-atomic particles, particles, atoms etc through which this motion continued to build - partly by collision of particles and partly by the situation of an attraction between the particles - were determined by the overall conscious values of the Cosmic plan of life.  When the Cosmic Stage came to a close, all the patterns of motion and its tools, that is, particles, atoms of various elements and their organizations in the form of huge celestial bodies, became permanently fixed.  The whole purpose of the Cosmic Stage was to create various forms of elements.  Each element was thus the living art fashioned out of the creative process or activity of the Creator at the Cosmic Stage.  These elements were the essence of the Cosmic Stage, which carried all the properties of motion as determined by the plan.


The fundamental law of creation tells us that on completion of each stage, the conscious values or systems so achieved under the plan, come to stay permanently.  If the physicists disturb the atoms of certain elements they find a natural reaction according to the crude conscious level of the atom. The physicists ignore the great skill and art inherent in the atom; instead they rejoice over the notion that it could destroy the human beings and all of their works.  In other words, the concept of energy before them is mechanical and crude motion, devoid of any purpose of consciousness.  The physicists call this terrible motion of the atom, Energy. As we have stated, man forgets that in creating this tool of atoms, Nature had worked wonders but it is the man who has changed this atom into a tool of destruction.

But if man tames the property of these atoms for constructive achievements, without destroying its life, this terror may become a life sustainer.

In fact, all the properties of various forms of energy created at the Cosmos seem to have been arranged, harmonized, cooled and finally forced into the shells of these elements which are known as the basic or elementary bricks of the universe.  On the next closed system of Planet Earth we find these elements ready-made, and it does not occur to us that they could once have been quite different.  On completion of the first creative stage of the Cosmos, the second higher conscious plan starts at Planet Earth, as a different compartment or closed system.  Under this higher conscious plan, the Planet Earth further fixed the pattern of motion by using the elements as working tools.  The behavior or motion of elements so fixed is what we call physical laws.

In the beginning, these physical laws continued to shift and change until they synthesized in a complete single order.  All the physical formations of earth, under its conscious plan, were manifestations of consciousness which were achieved by the Earth through various compounds and mixtures as tools of motion or the forms of energy fixed by the earth.  The ups and downs of valleys, the ever-changing weather, the flow of water, plains, seas, rivers, etc, were all based on the pattern of motion brought about by harmony and coordination, the characteristics of consciousness.  On completion of these laws in perfect order, they became fixed, and hence they could not deviate from the pattern of the motion fixed under the overall conscious values of the Planet Earth as a living unit.  Here too the infinite forms of compounds, mixtures etc., synthesized by the Planet Earth as tools of work or motion could neither be destroyed nor created on completion of the stage.

The next higher conscious plan, the Vegetable life, started as a closed system after the physical laws became fixed.  Here the pattern of motion, and the tools which the plant organism synthesized as a unit organism, were different from the preceding stages of creation because of the higher conscious plan of the Vegetative Stage.  Since life at the Vegetative Stage was not aware of itself as yet, therefore it projected its conscious values as a model of living organism by reacting in a different way to the physical laws and harnessing the pattern of their motion according to its new conscious values, by introducing right proportions in the cuts, forms and shape of leaves, as well as in the proportion of colors, shape and fragrance of flowers etc.  The activity or motion at the Vegetative Stage of life corresponded to the conscious values of plants which acted as self-contained organisms for determining their own conscious values at that stage.  Here also the built-in mechanisms within the plant organism served as tools, and the pattern of motion was fixed by each plant according to its conscious level.

At the close of the Vegetative creative plan, life entered the Animal plan of life.  Here again, according to the higher instinctual plan, each animal built its own tools such as limbs, legs, eyes, teeth, paws etc under the overall conscious plan of life. The animal controlled these tools and their motion.  Even the tools contained in its body, such as heart, lungs, kidneys, stomach etc moved in coordination with, and control of the overall purpose of animal life.

Thus the tools of organisms and their motion were determined by the overall purpose of each creative plan, and all these creative plans were further determined by the overall single purpose which ran throughout the universe as a single order or unified system.




In other words, what we call energy, is the conscious will or purpose of the Absolute Consciousness, which appeared in symbols of charged particles with motion of light.  As the creation continued to advance step by step in independent closed systems or creative stages, the life or consciousness appeared as a counter current or charge of attraction for the Creator, which reflects love or attraction for the Creator.  All its properties or attributes are the work of the Creator.  Up to the animal stage, life had not recognized itself, therefore, the implements used by life were organized by nature, and the results to be obtained were willed by nature.

Nevertheless, life up to these stages, in so far as it had become conscious of its Creator, did struggle and cooperate on its own.  At the human stage, life became directly aware of its Creator, and so also its own self.  Here the human being, because of his greater or universal enlightenment, enjoyed the universal freedom.

Man, therefore, partakes more share in achieving the results as willed by the Creator.  Accordingly, the implements fabricated by human beings are not restricted to the inborn implements obtained by life up to the animal stage.

THE HUMAN BEING BUILT ARTIFICIAL INSTRUMENTS TO GIVE FULL EXPRESSION TO HIS UNLIMITED AND UNSATIATED URGE OF CONSCIOUSNESS.  The advantages and disadvantages of artificial instruments and of the natural instruments balance so well that it is hard to differentiate in their mechanism.  The instruments at the Animal Stage and at the preceding stages were handy.  These could be repaired by life on its own, although these represented infinite complexity of detail combined with a marvelous simplicity of function.  As against the Animal instruments, the instruments fabricated by human consciousness cost effort, and are generally troublesome to handle.  However, it gives complete freedom to man to build whatever implements he wants, and to organize whatever form of matter he chooses.


All motion consists in the interplay of attraction and repulsion.  Attraction and repulsion are the attributes of life or consciousness only.  At higher conscious stages, attraction and repulsion appear in love and hatred.  Selection and rejection is the fundamental attribute of life because of its free activity.  The attribute of attraction and repulsion in atoms shows conscious activity of life.  Besides the above attributes of life, all the forms of matter represent mathematical symbols – a priory consciousness.  All matter is, therefore, living.  It lives with its particular laws corresponding to the stage of its creation.

The laws prevailing in the Cosmos are not applicable to the next higher stage of Vegetable Life.  Similarly the laws of Animal life do not apply to Human life.  The process of creation continues to get complicated and emerge in greater consciousness at each higher closed system.  THESE PROCESSES ARE IRREVERSIBLE.  The higher laws rule and dominate the laws working in the preceding stages.  The laws in the lower stages remain ignorant of the laws working at the higher stages.  This shows that at the back of all motions or activity of the universe, it is consciousness which acts, and that all forms of matter represent the form of consciousness expressed in symbols.  At each higher stage, these symbols of matter are replaced by symbols of different and higher materiality.  It suggests that, ultimately, nothing will remain of matter as it will be completely replaced by abstract or mental symbols.  The Human self or soul already lives beyond the material state, and hence dominates all forms of life created in the different material symbols throughout the universe.


We shall now discuss briefly the general properties of motion.  Motion emerges from its state of nothingness and creates the external world.  The first form of motion which appeared in the shape of impulses of light laid the foundation of our universe. Gradually consistent with the activity created with each and every motion, the attributes or Ideal of the Creator continued to emerge from its potentially hidden or non-material state.  Not only did the external world come into being from its state of nothingness, but along with the continuous creative motion, time and space were also born.  Time and space are, therefore, the product of the creative activity of the Absolute Consciousness.  Even at the material stages, all acts of life appear from its hidden or non-material state.  This is because life or consciousness is non-material, hence it cannot be perceived with our physical senses.  It can only be felt by its behavior.

All the creative acts that we find in the universe have their source in the Absolute Being.  As such, creation as it has developed, has a natural attraction for its Creator.  Attraction is the natural characteristic of life, and, therefore, where there is attraction there is life too.  Life is thus present at every stage of creation, and it remains stable from within as a nucleus.  It is present in an atom as well as in a plant and an animal at the material stages and in the form of self or soul at the human stage.

Motion or movement in the universe is of two kinds, or we may say this motion is two-sided.  The one is that in which the Creator acts for its creation, and the other is that in which the creation (life), acts (to the extent it has become conscious of its Creator) for seeking the Creator.  In fact, each action of creation is an act of love and self-expression.  Since the central or pivotal point of attraction for the creation is its Creator, so the creation satisfies its natural urge of love for the Creator through the act of seeking and loving him.  As the creation continued to rise step by step, it became more and more conscious of its Creator.  In the initial stage of creation, that is at the Cosmic Stage, life was little conscious of its Creator.  So at that stage, creation was acting unconsciously according to the will of the Creator, which showed its instinctual attraction for the Creator.

In other words, at the Cosmic Stage, which emerged in the shape of innumerable galaxies and solar systems, the activity of the Cosmos was also partly responsible for organizing into systems as willed by the Creator.  This is evident in the response and strict behavior of life at that Stage.  At the next higher stage of Planet Earth, physical laws achieved their completion partly by following willingly the system as willed by the Creator.  Thus in the very initial stages, the natural urge in creation to follow consciously or unconsciously the urge of the Creator as willed by him was, in fact, partly due to satisfy its own love or attraction for the Creator.  At the next higher stages, that is, at the Plant and Animal Stages, life had become more conscious of its Creaor, and so, accordingly, its creative activity to satisfy the love for the Creator was more conscious and voluntary in nature.



The Absolue Consciousness, being unique in itself and in its personality, must have unlimited attributes.  As is apparent from the word “Attribute”, it is comething which has an attraction and atachment for its possessor.  With the manifestation of these atributes, the Absolute Consciousness reveals Himself.  In other words, the manifestation of atributes is the natural uge of the Absolute Consciousness, through which he manifests his existence.  Without the manifestation of his attributes, the Absolute Consciousness cannot fulfill its purpose.  Consciousness lives as a unique central entity whom we may call Self or Personality.  Just as the Self exists as an entity or a central attraction for its attributes, similarly, the attributes exist potentially in the Self.  In other words, if the Self is soul, its attributes inherently exist with it, like its "body‟.  Self or Personality, whether it is Divine or human, lives with its attributes in a unit complementary to each other.  The attributes attract the Self for their manifestation, and the Self, energized with their attraction, manifests itself to exhibit its own beauty and possibilities.  Self thus gets its own strength and satisfaction by revealing itself in the attributes which, when revealed, continue to reflect from within the love and attraction for the Self.  Thus creation is the inherent urge of the Creator through which he witnesses his own charm and beauty vis-à-vis various potentialities and possibilities.

The life that appears at each succeeding stage comes as a victory over the preceding stages. Just as Planet Earth is a victory over the Cosmic Stage, similarly life that appeared on Planet Earth was a victory over its preceding stages.  Man, who is living at the highest creative stage, thus stands victorious over all the creative stages of the universe.

To conquer the universe means to conquer, step by step, all conscious stages, and ultimately emerge as the Ideal of the Creator.
As such, no physical conquering of the universe is involved.  We are not to land on the stars, nor is it our purpose to put them at leash.  Man has, however, not fully conquered his “NAFS”, that is, the instinctual desires of his physical organism, which belong to the preceding stage of animal.  As soon as he has been able to bring these desires under his control by properly normalizing them, he would emerge as the real victor of the whole universe.

If we keep in view the fundamental principle of creation, that the processes of nature proceed only in one direction, and that what concrete has emerged in the wake of creation is the higher values of consciousness, we can take it that Planet Earth is the essence of the whole Universe which contains all the essentials of the Universe.

Like an egg cell, the Planet Earth has developed a heavy shell of atmosphere around it.  In the first phase of its development, Planet Earth gave order to its substances by sifting and mixing them in proportions which we call physical laws.  On completion of these laws, the next higher stage of vegetable life starts, which acts on the physical laws and its environment, and then at the next stage of animals, the animal life acts on both the preceding stages, where all the systems live in perfect coordination. Still at the next higher stage, life emerges in self-consciousness of man, which inter-acts upon all the preceding systems within the closed system of the Planet Earth.

It seems that like the life processes of an egg cell, all the various stages preceding the self-conscious stage of man were the preparatory stages for the creation of the human being. The Human soul is still in the making, and we have reasons to believe thatj just like a chicken fetus, which after going through various life processes, turns into a complete model of life and, then by breaking the egg shell comes out of the small space of its confinement, similarly humanity, on completion of its self-conscious stage on Earth, will come out of the material stage of life to its spiritual state of consciousness.  Just as on completion of the chicken fetus in the egg cell, all the liquid substances in the egg turn into a unit organism and nothing remains behind, similarly humanity, which is passing through the last phase of its creation from within the closed system Planet Earth, when achieved the highest values of the stage, it would emerge as the Ideal of the Creator, in which each soul with all its universal values will be represented.


Incidentally, we would like to point out that the analogy of the egg cell is not a perfect analogy of Planet Earth, as it has no relevance with the creative process.  Egg cell is an isolated system within the creative process, through which the creation preserves its values already achieved.  But in the case of creation, the values to be achieved are not prefixed. nor could these be isolated from the overall purpose, which exists in broad outline as a unit attraction or Ideal with the Creator. Therefore, the evolutionists should not misinterpret this analogy to mean that Planet Earth, like the egg cell, is the seed of the human self or soul, and that the Planet Earth exists as an Entity which already knew the various processes of the creation of man.


We have briefly discussed the various stages of the CREATION of the Universe in the preceding matter.  When we consider the creation of life in these stages, we find that each new stage appeared with higher values of consciousness, as compared to the consciousness or life created in the preceding stages.   It  gives the impression that the lower stage of consciousness gives birth to the higher stage of consciousness. THIS IS NOT CORRECT because a lower stage of consciousness cannot, on its own. jump to a higher state of consciousness, which starts with a different kind of conscious values. However, in spite of this clear factual position, the evolutionists believe that the universe is not a creation, but it has evolved from lower to higher stages.

Apart from other things, they argue that the preceding stages provide the right environment to the higher stage, without which the higher stage could not come into existence.  For example, if we take the Vegetative Stage, we will find that vegetable life could not develop without the soil, water and proper environment which are provided by the preceding Stage of Earth.  Similarly, at the Animal Stage, the animal could not exist without the vegetable life and the environment which kept it alive.  Even at the Human Stage of self-consciusness, the senses, with the help of which man tries to understand the universe viz-a-viz the material conditions of life, have been made available to him by the animal.  Evolutionists, therefore, believe that life has evolved as a result of evolutionary process.

We have already discussed this and many other questions in the preceding discussions, wherein we have rejected outright such notions, as according to our study the lower stage of life always remains unaware of the higher life that starts on it.  It is, therefore, not correct to think that the lower state of life, having different conscious values, “evolves” itself into a different and higher kind of life without prior understranding.  On the contrary, WE SEE A CLEAR MIND WORKING BEHIND THE WONDERFUL CREATIVE PROCESS, which gives direction and ensures continuity of life.  In fact, when the evolutionists try to find out the missing links between these stages, they are already assured from within that there exists a great order which cannot accept discontinuity.  This assurance from within ourselves is a proof that creation is not without purpose, and that a certain conscious Entity exists, who is realizing HIS PURPOSE THROUGH CREATION.
