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A Collection of Writings

By Aurangzaib Yousufzai




It may be added here, as an advance hint, that our religious clergy have memorized only a single definition of every word or term of the Quranic texts, which beyond a fraction of variance, is indiscriminately applied in all contexts as a literal and most commonplace meaning prevalent among the street masses.


A higher style of an intellectual and literary writing like allegories, metaphors, symbolic or idiomatic expressions, always observed in the exalted texts of the Quran, have always been impossible for them to discern and follow, or they deliberately ignored these literary expressions in order to meet their vicious ends – those ends which could not be served by a qualified scholarly translation.


They have been bereft of the ability of undertaking research for checking the veracity of main propositions of a Quranic theme and, as a result, indulged in deriving blind deductions there from without giving a thought to the essence of the most literary vocabulary used.