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The True Face of Islam



We need to address and counter challenges facing the nascent Quranic community.  This is the only tiny community in the entire Muslim world that has assumed responsibility of purifying the Quran from the massive and ugly adulteration it was subjected to in the era of the Umayyad rulers.  We need to make the Muslim world and the Orientalists realize and acknowledge this heinous crime by the Arab kings, proving that our monarchic Muslim governments, after the collapse of the Pious Caliphate, have been those of felons, usurpers, criminals and the arch enemies of Islam.  They couldn’t have gone along with the true Islam in the least degree.  The Umayyads - and the Abbasides after them - had always wanted to perpetrate the fabricated travesty of the enlightening ideology of genuine Islam.  To that end they nurtured and nourished a hierarchy of religious monopolists and bigots who were given the liberty to pass edicts freely against those who raised voices of discord in the face of this obnoxious state of affairs.

The world out there does not know or realize what havoc has been played with Islamic teachings, starting in the very first century Al-Hejirah with the advent of the despotic Umayyad regime in Damascus.  See for example a startling excerpt from "Quranic Geography" by Dan Gibson, page 248:

"Year 710 - Khalid al-Qasri appointed as governor of Mecca.  He is very strict and enforces unpopular views.  Khalid insists only the Caliph's interpretations of history and religion are correct."

Who is the Caliph at that moment in history?  Waleed bin Abd al-Malik, the Umayyad tyrant.  And it proves that in his era, the fictitious interpretations of the Quran had not only been under fabrication but also in circulation throughout the empire, and imposed upon the masses by force.  And it is only natural that this coercive practice was not limited to only one region.  Of course full compilations had to appear later in due course of time, for example Tafseer-e-Ibn-e-Abbas (Tafseer by Mohammad ibn-e-Saaib al-Kalalbi, the crypto Jewish Arab Scholar, d.140 AH). 

So, it's an eye opener for all of us, particularly for the western scholars and researchers.  It is evident that, in this official way, a counterfeit Islam was dictated to people by sword through the medium of fake and fabricated “interpretations” (Tafaseer); and those interpretations were supported through the medium of concocted tales called Hadith, collected through narrators of doubtful antecedents; and both the misguiding mediums were sponsored and issued from the Royal Court of the Umayyad Caliphs. 

It is regrettably, but categorically, concluded in these lines that the entire source material our Western writers on Islam have access to is fake and conjectural.

Hence, whatever work or theories they build up and produce as research-based writings on Islam, after a tiring research process, is based on fictitious material, fetches faulty conclusions, and stands radically erroneous.  Lots of precious time and effort goes to waste.  If only they realized the deeper conspiracy employed by the Umayyads against the real Islam in the very beginning of its golden age, and diverted their attention to knowing the details of that counter-revolution and the conspiracies against Islam emerging therefrom, their efforts would culminate in startling discoveries of a very positive kind. 

The Quran must be presented in its true rationalistic and scientific light to the world out there by those falling under the prestigious category of Muslim intelligentsia.  But most of them happen to be sectarians who are content with keeping their faculties engaged in their follies, their hollow verbal wrestling and vicious blame games against each other, working under the agenda prescribed by their employers.  Hence, the crucial job remains long overdue, and criminally, deviously, as well as purposefully, neglected by those in responsible positions.  The relevant milieu is filled with Quranist charlatans too who keep playing with the Quran in their profane writings.  Profane, because they have the audacity to step into prohibited precincts which are strictly reserved for the Exalted Author of the Quran.  They teach their own worthless concepts wherein they continue reshuffling a heap of filth they have inherited from the times of the Umayyad despots.  They fail miserably to approach the Divine Guidance directly, the Guidance which is readily available with full and most detailed explanations by the Exalted Author.  They put their own tongues in the mouth of the Exalted Author on the same lines as their old Umayyad masters had once paid their ancestors to do.  Their mouths are full of lavish grants from the Muslim elitist gang of criminals and their tummies are bulging beyond limits.  And they can howl any obscene thing against the Quran, referring to the mostly sacrilegious content of traditional interpretations.  Some of them have turned into secret agents of the Global Illuminati, with the agenda to create obstacles in the way of discovering the truth of the Quran.  A similar group from Lahore (Pakistan), operating with the name of Aastana, has been exposed by this institution through a research-based writing entitled “Materialistic Interpolation of Quran under Pretense of Translation."   This writing will soon be available in our collection. 

The original, genuine and Real Quran must be dug out from the old ruins of the short-lived Muslim civilization - a civilization whose glory and blessings succumbed to the vested interests of the Arab tyrants of the Umayyad and Abbasside regimes.   And whose face is now smeared with violence, radicalism and the worst kind of insane extremism.

Presented on the archives of this website is a most specific and the best detailed analysis of the Quran (Theme-wise), where every important topic where we have been grossly misguided by our ancestors, is dealt with in its entirety encompassing ALL that is said about it in the Quran.  So, it saves you from shuffling through several hundred pages when you need to seek enlightenment on ANY ONE particular Theme from the Quran.  And ONE BY ONE, in a most convenient way, you're going to enjoy the full perspective of any theme, issue or topic that the Quran is presenting to humanity for its timeless guidance.

The work presented is based on solid research.  Each and every word translated brings into focus the true pristine message of the Quran which was distorted by the Umayyads under a concrete sabotage campaign unleashed to justify their tyrannical regime.  Each and every translated word has authentic back up by world famous Arabic lexicons and Arabic Grammar, and fully accords with the background and context of narration.  And needless to mention that track is kept of almost all the latest work done or being done by Quranic scholars of repute around the world.

The Quran in its genuine form is available to us for a scholarly review and research.  No one can stop us from translating it in a STRICT, PURELY RATIONAL AND LEGAL way.  By the word STRICT, we insist upon not adding a single word or suggestion from any out-of-Quran source.  By the words PURELY RATIONAL, we simply mean a translation that can be intellectually and empirically substantiated.  And by the word LEGAL, we emphasize a translation which does not deviate a single centimeter from its original text and the text’s lexical and literary definitions.  You will invariably find these three elements missing from all the available, traditional or progressive, translations or exegeses of the Quran.

We terribly need two things.  One is to expose and reveal the true face of Islam by discovering it through fresh, strict, competent and authentic translations of the Quran.  And the other is to apprise the Western world to look for the right credentials when taking the lead from the so-called Muslim figures of the early Islamic era.  They need to discard all the prevalent English translations of the Quran having become outdated, and strive to get hold of a fresh and linguistically and rationally accurate English translation thereof.  They have to devise fresh means to ascertain the truth of Islam from the loads of falsity, and from the exaggerated episodes of history that Tabari’s history book is filled with.  They need not refer to the Hadith at all, as it is stuff totally invented with the ulterior motives of defaming Islam during and after the Umayyad period, and authored in bigger collections two centuries after the demise of Muhammad pbuh.

This Quran-only institution takes it as a challenge to apprise the world of the true and tragic state of affairs Islam and Muslims are facing without being aware of its serious consequences.  All kinds of so-called Muslim extremism and militancy seen arising in the Muslim world are the result of their distorted sectarian doctrines.  Because the Quran-only community raises the voice of righteousness in their respective circles around the globe, they are made to live under the shadows of constant fear for their lives and those of their children.  The biggest monster prowling across the land is the salafi Wahabi militancy, which has culminated in the form of savage groups like ISIS, declaring their own Muslim brethren as Kaafirs, and killing people brutally and indiscriminately.  However, the Quran-only community’s quest for peace cannot wait.  The enlightenment of true Quranic Guidance is soon to spread out to vast territories on the globe.  The true Quranic heritage, with its assertions of a classless global society, will continue to be discovered and disseminated to mankind.  The plundering, greedy, extortionist politics of brutal dictators in the name of capitalist democracy will soon come to its final end.  The hitherto oppressed and the unprivileged will be elevated to the controlling positions in the not too distant times to come.