Hits: 9152



Questions & Answers



Please visit this page to ask a question or leave a comment.


Provision for a Question/Answer or Discussion Blog has been made in this Quranic Website.  But do remember please that we are to answer the questions that could change us – that could transform our being and exercise a most potent influence on our conscious evolution – not those meant for futile verbal exercises in polemics.



Rules For Participation


1.  This Blog is for those participants who possess an adult level of maturity of mind, and a substantial degree of Quranic awareness.


2. is not suitable for participation by beginners, as it offers a substantially advanced and diversified level of Quranic research and discoveries. Those on an elementary level of learning are advised to concentrate on the study of listed writings. There are around 100 research-based writings in the library.


3.  Please try to post questions with specific references from the Quran.


4.  If questions are short and precise, the answers will be quick and to the point.


5.  Politeness, respect for each other, scholarly attitude and civil manners are the pre-requisite for participation in the Blog. Use of impolite, offensive or abusive language and any personal remarks of derogatory nature would disqualify you from the Blog’s membership.


6.  Show of rigidity, extremism, air of authority, employing religious edicts and use of un-Quranic references like Hadith, Tradition, Jurisprudence, etc. are not welcomed.


7.  The fundamental goal is to explore and discover the original logic, reason, rationality and wisdom of the Quranic injunctions, so it can be intellectually and empirically established in the modern scientific world. And to set it free from the fabrications infiltrated in its exegeses and translations since the time of the Umayyad despots.