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"I would request valued readers not to draw comparisons of this revolutionary work with the traditional inherited one. We fully condemn the traditional translations having been proved to be part of the great Arab Scam to distort the philosophy of Quran. Just see whether the new most rational meanings of Quran's words offered herein meet the criteria of authentic lexicons, classic Arabic style of Quranic narration and the context of the subject matter being discussed, or NOT.

We take Quran as a guidance for preparation and unleashing a socio-economic revolution in the cruel and barbaric capitalist societies. So, kindly do not look at our work from a religious point of view where rituals of worship and haraam and halaal in eating is ordained.

We have declared after deeper research and academic scrutiny that Quran doesn't at all discuss food - or eating and drinking choices of human beings. It will be foolish to do so as human race has been eating and drinking the variety of things since times immemorial without being given a lesson there for.

Quran Arabic Corpus represents the same old corroded mindset that our religious preachers (Mullahs) are following since old times under the orders of despotic Umayyad kingdom. You cannot find a single parallel or the least compatibility of their presentation with our most up-to-date rational and academic work. They hold no authority to dictate their old traditional version of Quran to common people. Therefore, it is requested not to judge our work on their outdated criterion which stands frozen since the last 1400 years."