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Chapter 2

Focalization Of 
Subject Matter




Abhi giraani-e-shab men kamee nahi aa‟ee
Nijaat-e-deeda-o-dil ki gharri nahi aa‟ee
Barrhay chalo keh who manzil abhi nahi aa‟ee






In 656 C.E., the most regrettable episode of the assassination of Caliph Uthmaan, in its actual perspective, served to turn a golden dream into a catastrophic nightmare.  It was tantamount to depriving the Muslim nation of its entire sustenance of life.  This tragic chapter of history sealed the fate of the first life-line of Divine Discipline, viz., “Al-Hukm." “Al-Hukm," in essence, is the particular term the Qur'aan has specifically used for the "Divine Rule."  In the backlash of the martyrdom of Caliph Uthmaan, through the unanimous vote by the nation's elders, Ali bin Abu Talib was elected as the Successor.  On this occasion, against the better advice of senior Companions, orders for the dismissal of all the Usmanide governors were issued.  This step generated serious repercussions.  The powerful governor of Syria, Ameer Mu'aawiya bin Abu Sufyaan refused to accept his dismissal, and raising his claims for recompense of Uthmaan‟s blood, declared his autonomous rule over the territories under his jurisdiction.  Thus, only 24 years after the sad demise of the holy Messenger, demolishing the “Al-Hukm," Amir Mu'aawiya managed to lay the foundations of an un-Islamic, un-Quranic, autocratic and monarchic rule over the Divine Kingdom. (Ibn- e-Atheer, Akhbaar At-Tawaal, Imam Tabari).  And in this way the first stage of the destructive mission of the contemporary Jewish elders (Arabs and non-Arabs) was accomplished.

Iqbal has mourned this great tragedy in these words:


Khood tilsam-e-Qaisar-o-Kisraa shakist
Khood sar-e-takht-e-malookiat nashist
„Arab khood raa beh noor-e-Mustufa soakht
Chiraagh-e-murdah-e-Mashriq ba raa faroakht


Religion-ization of Divine Discipline


The second big stage in the process of devastation of Divine Discipline (Deen) consisted in “the demolition of the Real Islam and the fabrication of a Fake Islam.  The core strategy envisaged for this stage was embodied in the “Religion-ization of the Divine Discipline."   With the demolition of “Al-Hukm," the anti-Islamic, retrogressive forces assumed the seats of absolute authority over the Caliphate, and the efforts to achieve the second stage of devastation became free from all impediments and threats. 


Accordingly, the contemporary Jewish elders, under the overall sponsorship of new rulers, accomplished this target through the following extremely organized and integrated mechanisms, during the period from 661 to 750 C.E.:-


- Ritualization of Divine Discipline on the pattern of prevalent Judaism and Christianity;

- Focusing all emphasis and concentration upon Recitation, Worship, Dogmas, Superstitions and Blind Following;

- Launching of the project to radically alter the Quranic message by an irrational, mythical interpretation (tafseer), starting the second half of first century Al-Hejira;

- Derivation of most of the myths from the prevalent unreliable interpretations of the Old Testament;

- Introducing the art of fabrication of Rivayaat (tradition) based on concocted stories of Shaan-e-Nuzool in order to create a false background and misleading justification for the mythical interpretations; and subsequently, to elevate this menace gradually to the scale of a country-wide industry;

- In other words, ascribing a prolonged chain of false narrations to the exalted person of the Divine Messenger, called “taqawwal”;

- This “taqawwal," according to the Quran, was a serious offense against which Allah swt had warned in the strictest manner. (please check the Divine injunction,

Verse 69:44-46:-

“Wa laou taqawwal „alayina ba‟adh al-aqaweel, la-akhazna-hu bil-yameen, thumma la-qata‟na min-hul wateen”.

69:44-46  (Translation: In case (this Messenger) was to ascribe some sayings in our name, we would hold him firm on his right and rip his main blood artery apart.)


The project of religious ritualization of Divine Discipline was accomplished by the year 750 C.E., and served to imprint on the chapters of history the legacy of an impractical, irrational and mythical interpretation of most of the Qur'an's commandments.  This legacy, which buried the reality of Allah's universal Message under the debris of thousands of tons of devastating rituals and dogmas, was to remain enforced upon the Muslim civilization for the next 1300 years to come.  This tragedy sealed the fate of millions of poor, common Muslims who were doomed by its brutal effects to a life of perpetual slavery and helplessness under the tyranny of autocratic, heartless, inhuman rulers.  This autocratic ruling class clings to seats of power to this day, and the endless chain of misery, destitution and sufferings for the general Muslim public continues unabated.  Along with it, the retribution of the grave sin of ritualization of Divine Discipline also persists endlessly in the form of prayers, chanting, recitations, "meelaads," "namaaz‟, fasting, counting on rosary beads, worship spells, and magic, etc. – a curse that does not seem to end its evil influence.


Partial Analysis of the History of the Early Period


Let us make it clear here, incidentally, that a major part of the glory of the Muslim Empire of the Middle Ages, whose splendor and majesty is eulogized day and night by the ill-informed nostalgic Muslim of today was, in reality, the result of aggressive designs of Arab imperialists who called themselves Muslims.  The real Islamic State viz. “Al-HUKM” was wiped out from the face of the earth ruthlessly as early as 40 AH, immediately after the end of the “Pious Caliphate," along with its true historical record, its official archives, its archaeological remains and all other remnants, through a systematic, concerted and vicious campaign.  This blood-soaked episode of history is not the focus of this writing; therefore, we are unable to shuffle through those appalling details.  However, for the general public, the poor classes, and the new converts and non-Muslims, the succeeding despotic Arab rule was a nightmare in the aftermath of which they could not think of ever enjoying the so-acclaimed Quranic equality, as they were doomed to be victims of an unfathomable economic disparity, racial and class prejudice, and a full-fledged exploitative feudal and dictatorial system of governance for ever.


As a proof of the above analysis, a careful study of the short reign of Hadhrat Umar bin Abd al-Aziz (717-719 C.E.) is recommended.  A research in the radical changes in the style of governance that he brought about, and the basic reformative policies that he introduced in the prevailing coercive dictatorial system of government, will be highly enlightening.  Along with it, this historical fact is also an eye-opener that this Perfect MOMIN had to die of poisoning by his own close relatives, as a "retribution‟ for trying his best to re-establish the real Islamic spirit of governance, viz., “AL-HUKM."  And thus, the un-Quranic, coercive reign of the Umayyads was as quickly restored after a short pause as if no real pause had ever taken place.


The territories adjoining Arabia, or distant, that posed a threat of confrontation against the new Islamic Movement, had been conquered before the demolition of the “Pious Caliphate."   Afterwards, it was the autocratic, brutal, dynastic rule of the Umayyads who had succeeded in planting themselves at the helm of affairs.  And it was these symbols of the Arab Imperialism who exercised their lust for acquiring a big empire by utilizing the vast resources and the heritage of great spiritual and patriotic fervor bestowed upon Muslim masses by the New Doctrine (Deen).  Looking from the perspective of the outer perimeter of contemporary history, we note that in the initial Muslim period, the vast and prompt conquests of the vast territories of the Middle East, Armenia, Aazar-e-Baijaan, Central Asia, North Africa and southern Europe had become possible due to a total economic and military bankruptcy of both the contemporary super powers in those regions.


Analysis from the outer historical parameters amply proves that both Sasanides and Byzantine empires, after a 20 year long engagement in continued military confrontations against each other (610-629 C.E.), were rendered feeble and incompetent to fight or defend themselves effectively, while the Islamic Movement was still passing through the initial phase of their internal struggle and the process of uprising.  Therefore, the supremacy acquired later through quick conquests was mainly afforded by the absence of a big and effective power in the region – by a power vacuum.  Indeed, as a result of the new revolutionary philosophy of life, a great amount of devotion and endless spirit of struggle remained alive, as powerful elements, among the Muslim masses for a long time to come, which was exploited for the personal aims and vicious designs of the Arab imperialists.


The Threat of Direct Interpretations of the Quran in the Present Age--


Dear Readers, after a lapse of about 1400 years, in the aftermath of freedom from the domination of Western colonial powers and re- awakening of thought process, several Muslim groups have now made it incumbent upon them to explore and discover their lost Paradise, which they believe is concealed in the Qur'aan's rational interpretation.  This widespread struggle among modern Muslims has posed a big threat to the contemporary Jewish elders (The Illuminati) - that of the exposure of their medieval elders' successful historical espionage against the truth of the Qur'anic texts.  In Allama Iqbal‟s words :-


'Asr-e-haazir kay taqaazon se hay lekin khauf yeh
Ho na jaaey ashkaara shar‟ae Paighamber kahin






So, once again the same old historic scenario encounters them, viz.,


- How to stop the exploration and exposition before Muslim masses of a pure and unadulterated version of the Divine Discipline?


- Why not wrap up the Divine Discipline into the garb of materialism, while working behind the façade of the current dexterous activity of discovering its rational and thought provoking exegesis?


- A materialistic interpretation of the Quranic texts being promoted, which apparently must look rational & practical, but must portray an underlying denial of the identity or the recognition of such attributes of God as "The Creator‟ and "The Nourisher/Sustainer‟; must discard/discredit the existence of the physical personalities of the Messengers; deny the Divine Revelation, and declare the Hereafter a mere superstition.


- Attainment of the rights and privileges of the physical, worldly life alone must be declared as the true spirit of Quranic teachings, or the essence of the Divine Guidance.  The human life, doubtlessly known as possessing an assortment of high spiritual and conscious values, must be defined with reference only to its animal organism, and therefore, only to the socio- economic aspect of its being.  Thus the satisfaction of its physical organism and instinctive needs alone must be recognized as man‟s ultimate goal and purpose.  And in the end, to face a doomed annihilation after dispersal of his body, must be declared as the ultimate fate.


- Presently, a particular group must be chosen amongst the Muslims, that may look well-equipped with the logistics of a Quranic Research Team, and be seen busy in that sacred Mission of theirs, but must be, in reality, assigned with the carrying out of the backstage performance of The Illuminati's important AGENDA of a new and Purely Materialistic Translation of the Quranic Injunctions.


Dear Readers, a thorough and minute contemplation of recent events and facts has revealed the terrifying reality that the modern global Zionist Authority, the Illuminati, has, in all likelihood, succeeded in hiring the services of a "so-called‟ Quranic establishment, out of the Muslim multitude, to implement its new round of subversive AGENDA.  The work on this evil AGENDA of the Quran‟s Materialistic Interpolation has, therefore, already been taken up in a safe and sound environment.


Let us discover, in the next pages, as to what are the official antecedents of this Quranic establishment.