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Chapter 5


“Aastana's” Proven Convictions


Conviction No. 1

The Quran is a book of Human Rights.  (These rights are acquired through establishment of a society based on justice).


Conviction No. 2

The Quran is the Secrets of Nature which the Nature reveals upon a genius, viz., a man with high intellectual qualities.  This is the truth of “WAHI”, the divine revelation.


Conviction No. 3

The Quran does not speak of the Life after death (the Hereafter); it rather deals with only the present physical life.


Conviction No. 4

The Islam's Messenger, Mohammad as well as other respected Messengers do not bear the names of particular reality, personality or physical existence.  Their names actually are the “Generic Templates”.  (This term is defined in the Dictionaries as “a particular pattern or dye made of metal, plastic or paper.)  Every name is actually not of a man, but of an Attribute.


Conviction No. 5

The term “Ghayib” in Quran, means “Qudrat kay Paimaaney”
(meaning, Nature‟s yardsticks, scales, measures, values, etc.)


Conviction No. 6

The description of “Maut” in the Quran, most of the times, appears with the meaning of “nations‟ death/failure/decline”.  It does not mean physical death.  “Al-Maut” (ma‟arfah) always means failure, defeat or decline.


Conviction No. 7

The term “Zinaa” in Quran denotes “mutilation of Deen”, not a sexual act. Moreover, no commandments or punitive action regarding illegitimate sexual relationship are described in the Quran.


Conviction No. 8

History holds no standing whatsoever.  The Quran is not a book of History.  It is a mistake to look at it in historic perspective.


Conviction No. 9

The word “Maheez” in the Quran is not meant to be “women‟s menstruation”, but means “flowing of blood in wars”, because the
context of narration is talking about wars.


Conviction No. 10

The Quran does not talk about things that cannot be proved, or are beyond our knowledge, perception and comprehension.