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Chapter 106 - Al-Quraish 



106:1(9) For the sake of assimilating, mutually familiarizing, organizing (لِإِيلَافِ ) the “people gathered from far and wide busy fighting each other” (قُرَ‌يْشٍ ), 106:2(9) AND, for keeping them tied in the bonds of love, friendship and harmony (إِيلَافِهِمْ ) with the passage of time –(passing of hot and cold seasons) – (رِ‌حْلَةَ الشِّتَاءِ وَالصَّيْفِ ),,, 106:3(9) ,,,,it is of utmost importance that they submit themselves in obedience to the Lord of this Center of Command,,,, 106:4(9) And it should be made clear to them that this is the Authority That has been providing them with sustenance (أَطْعَمَهُم) in hunger and want (جُوعٍ ), and peace (آمَنَهُم) in fear and apprehensions (خَوْفٍ).


Authentic meanings of key words in Parenthesis:  Qarash : To gather/collect people scattered here and there, fighting each other and to organize, merge together, familiarize them; (Lisan ul-Arab, page 3585) Alif-Lam-Fa = he kept or clave to it, he frequented it, resorted to it habitually, he became familiar with it or accustomed/habituated, became sociable/companionable/friendly with him, liked/approved/amicable, protect/safeguard, covenant/obligation involving responsibility for safety. to unite or bring together, state of union/alliance/agreement, to cause union or companionship, to collect/connect/join/conjoin. Become a thousand. A certain rounded number that is well known. iilaaf: Unity; Compact; Alliance; Covenant for the purpose of trade; Obligation involving responsibility for safety and protection; Attachment. Alaf: Thousand. Ra-Ha-Lam = to depart, saddle-bag, he saddled the camel, he bound upon the camel, to mount, rode, pack, caravan, remove/travel/journey.