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Chapter 23 - Al-Mu'minun



***Please note... The information in the parentheses immediately following the verse number indicates the file or article to which they refer. Verses will continue to be added as the documents are introduced.



23:5-6(34)  And it is those who are vigilant in safeguarding their secrets/weaknesses (فروج : breaches, splits, gaps, etc.), from everyone except their close colleagues (ازْوَاجِهِم) or the group of subordinate workers (مَا مَلَكَتْ أَيْمَانُهُمْ) for which they are not to be blamed.

23:12-16(7) “NOW, INDEED, We have created man out of the essential ingredients of clay, and subsequently caused him to remain as a drop of sperm in firm keeping, and then We created out of the drop of sperm a germ-cell, and then We created out of the germ-cell an embryonic lump, and then We created within the embryonic lump bones, and then We clothed the bones with flesh - and then at this point of completion of physical organism, We turned him into a new, different and higher kind of creation: hallowed, therefore, is God, the best of artisans! And then, behold! after all this, you are destined to die; and then, behold! you shall be raised from the dead when the last stage of creative plan is established (یوم القیامۃ ).”

23:14(35-Partial)  Then we elevated him to the status of a completely different creature.

23:16(7)  “And then, behold! after all this, you are destined to die; and then, behold! you shall be raised from the dead on the day the last Stage of creation is established/launched.”

23:27-30(27) “Thereupon We sent him revelation to create a special society according to Our vision and revelation. And when our verdict is passed and the furnace is ready with burning fire, connect together in that society (فَاسْلُكْ فِيهَا) all the admirable comrades (زَوْجَيْنِ اثْنَيْنِ), and gather all of his people excepting those who are doomed. And do not appeal to Me in behalf of those who are bent on cruelty and injustice (الَّذِينَ ظَلَمُوا ). They will be overtaken (مُّغْرَ‌قُونَ). “And when you and your companions are settled/established in that society, say: All praise is due to Allah Who rescued us from the community of tyrants; and say: O Lord, bless us by Your grace because You are the best in blessing. Indeed in this episode there are important signs to learn because it shows that we have been subjecting man to tests and trials.”

23:99-100(7)  ….until, when death approaches any of them, he prays: “O my Sustainer! Let me return, let me return [to life], so that I might act righteously in whatever I have failed !” Nay, it is indeed but a meaningless word that he utters: for behind those who leave the world there is a barrier until the Day when all will be raised from the dead!