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Chapter 34 - Saba'



***Please note... The information in the parentheses immediately following the verse number indicates the file or article to which they refer. Verses will continue to be added as the documents are introduced.



34:4(Hajj) Page 308:  “Ishmael was appointed as divine Messenger for Makkah and its surrounding area. Jarham, Amaliks and Yemenis were the people addressed by him”. *Please note that the above is a proven false statement by Hafiz Ibn e Kathir because according to clear Quranic injunctions, no Messenger was ever appointed in Makkah and its adjacent areas, the abode of Prophet Mohammad’s tribe. 1) Please note the Quranic injunction in this respect: Verse 34/4 (Transliteration): “Wa maa aatayina-hum min kutubin yadrusuna-ha,,wa maa arsal-na ilayi-him qabli-ka min nazeerin” – The holy Messenger is being informed that “We have not given any book to these people (Arabs) wherefrom they might have learnt, since BEFORE YOU we have not sent towards them any Warner”.