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Chapter 38 - Sad (Sad)



***Please note... The information in the parentheses immediately following the verse number indicates the file or article to which they refer. Verses will continue to be added as the documents are introduced.



38:41(10)  “AND remember our servant Ayyub when he called unto his Sustainer, “Behold, the corrupt Rebellious one (الشَّيْطَانُ) has afflicted me with torture (عَذَابٍ) in a frenzy of enmity and confrontation (بنُصْبٍ)”. 38:42(10) “We ordered him to take quick steps in moving away from that community. And suggested to him a station where opportunities were available for cleansing people’s hearts towards purity (مُغْتَسَلٌ), cooling of eyes (بَارِ‌دٌ) in the light of divine revelation and following a righteous mode of conduct (شَرَ‌ابٌ)”. 38:43(10) “And there We bestowed him with his old ideological companions and many more having the same faith. It was our special favor for him; similarly, therein was a remembrance for all those with wisdom and intellect”. 38:44(10) “Then we ordered him to consolidate his power (ضِغْثًا) by exercising his energy and talents (بِيَدِكَ); and then to set out (َاضْرِ‌ب) for spreading his revolutionary message in such a way as not violating a treaty, oath, covenant or principle (وَلَا تَحْنَثْ ). Indeed we found him steadfast in his mission. He was an excellent servant of ours; He would always turn unto Us in times of need”.