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Chapter 7 - Al-A'raf



***Please note... The information in the parentheses immediately following the verse number indicates the file or article to which they refer. Verses will continue to be added as the documents are introduced.



7:29(4) “Tell them: "My Sustainer has [but] enjoined the doing of justice; Therefore, fix your direction towards all of His commandments (كُلِّ مَسْجِدٍ ) keeping sincere in your faith in Him. Just as He has brought you into being in the first instance, so he makes you return a second time (تعُودُون ).”

Ayn-Ya-Dal/Ayn-Waw-Dal = to return, come back, to go back, be traceable, to revert, to refer, relate, to be due, to give up, abandon, relinquish, withdraw, resign, tobring back, to take back, return, reduce; He repeated, did a second time. ever-occurring, periodical, festival

7:31(4) “O Human kind! Acquire the beauty of your conduct by submission to every commandment (كُلِّ مَسْجِدٍ ) and learn (كُلُوا) and get inspired (اشْرَبُوا), and do not commit transgression. Verily He doesn’t love the transgressors.”

Siin-Ra-Fa = to eat away, excess, suckle (a child), be ignorant, be unmindful/heedless, exceed the undue bounds or just limits, commit many faults/offences/crimes/sins. asrafa - to squander one's wealth, act immoderately, be prodigal, extravagant, transgress. musrif - one who is wasteful.

7:64(27) “But they declared him (Noah) a liar, that’s why We saved him, and those with him in the righteous Community (فِي الْفُلْكِ): and We ruined (drowned in misery) those who rejected Our signs. They were indeed a shortsighted people!”


(Let us keep in mind here that “Fulk” and “Safinah” are metaphors for a lively, vibrant society revolving around a center. In the context of Prophet Junah (Younus) also the terms “Fulk” and “Fulk al-Mashhoon” are used. The literal, commonplace definition of these terms is “vessel or boat”, and our religious monopolists are concerned with only the commonplace and street language).