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Chapter 80 - 'Abasa 



***Please note... The information in the parentheses immediately following the verse number indicates the file or article to which they refer. Verses will continue to be added as the documents are introduced.



80:1-2(6)  If SOMEONE is approached by one looking worthless and deprived of knowledge (الْأَعْمَىٰ ), would it be fair that he may frown and turn him away?

80:3-4(6)  How can you be made aware that this is not the right conduct as he may show enough mental maturity to acquire growth and progress; or may exert so much that this Guidance from Allah(الذِّكْرَ‌ىٰ) may eventually prove inspiring and profitable for him.

80:5-6(6)  Now as for the other one who might regard himself to be self-sufficient, and you pay full attention to his learning;

80:7(6)  And still he may not show mental progress, so how is this failure going to reflect upon your accountability?

80:8-10(6)  And, as for him who gained access unto thee and is eager to make efforts, and is in awe [of God], would you hold him in utter disregard!

80:11-12(6)  NAY, VERILY, these teachings consist of general guidance and remembrance; so whoever is willing to do so may learn and keep in mind.

80:13-14(6)  These are preserved in sacred scrolls of dignity, loftiness and purity,

80:15-16(6)  and are written by the hands of scroll writers noble and most virtuous.

80:17(6)  In fact man’s is often destroyed by his denial of the truth.

80:17(6)  In fact man’s is often destroyed by his denial of the truth. Out of a drop of sperm He created him, and thereupon determined his nature and balance,

80:20-22(6)  and then He made his way through life easily available to him; and in the end He caused him to die and brought him to the intermediate state in which the soul lives after death till the resurrection (أَقْبَرَ‌ه) ; and then, when He so willed, He shall raise him again to life.

80:23(6)  Nay, but never think yet that man has achieved the destination fixed for him!
Qaf-Ba-Ra = to bury (the dead). aqbara - to cause to be buried, have a grave day, have anyone buried. Grave, tomb, intermediate state in which the soul lives after death till the resurrection. maqabir - cemetery, place of burying.

80:24(6)  Hence, to reach that destination, man must concentrate upon his acquisition of knowledge and progress (طَعَامِهِ ); and think about

80:25-32(6)  [how it is] that We poured down water abundantly; and then We cleaved the earth cleaving it asunder, and thereupon We caused grain to grow out of it, and vines and edible plants, and olive trees and date-palms, and gardens dense with foliage, and fruits and herbage, for you and for your animals to enjoy. Nun-Ba-Tay = to gush or flow out, draw water, reach water by digging well. anbata - to bring a thing to light, deduce a thing. istanbata - to find out, elicit, elucidate. nabatun - internal state of a person.

80:33-36(6)  AND SO, when the piercing call is heard on a Day when everyone will [want to] flee from his brother, and from his mother and father, and from his spouse and his children: on that Day, to every one of them will his own state be of sufficient concern.

80:37:42(6) Some faces will on that Day be bright with happiness, laughing, rejoicing at glad tidings. And some faces will on that Day with dust be covered, with darkness overspread: these will be the ones who denied the truth and were immersed in iniquity!


80(6)  A Running Translation NOW:-


'Abasa(80)  If SOMEONE is approached by one looking worthless and deprived of knowledge (الْأَعْمَىٰ ), would it be fair that he may frown and turn him away?


How can you be made aware that this is not the right conduct as the contender may show enough mental maturity to acquire growth and progress; or may exert so much that this Guidance from Allah (الذِّكْرَ‌ىٰ= The Quran) may eventually prove inspiring and profitable for him.


Now as for another one who might look haughty and self-sufficient, and you might pay full attention to his learning, and still he may not show mental progress; so how is this failure going to reflect upon your accountability?


And, as for him who gained access unto thee and is eager to make efforts, and is noted to be in awe [of God], would you hold him in utter disregard!


NAY. VERILY, these teachings consist of general guidance and remembrance; so whoever is willing to do so may learn and always keep them in observance. These are preserved in sacred scrolls bearing dignity, loftiness and purity, and are written by the hands of scroll writers noble and most virtuous.


In fact man is often destroyed by his denial of the truth. He must remember his humble origins as to what substance God has created him from? Out of a drop of sperm He created him, and thereupon determined his nature and balance; and then He made his way through life easy and available to him; and in the end He caused him to die and brought him into an intermediate state in which the soul lives after death till the resurrection; and then, when He so willed, He shall raise him again to life.


Nay, but never think yet that man has achieved the destination fixed for him! To reach that destination, man must concentrate upon his acquisition of knowledge and progress (طَعَامِهِ ); and observe and acknowledge how it is that We poured down water abundantly; and then We cleaved the earth cleaving it asunder, and thereupon We caused grain to grow out of it, and vines and edible plants, and olive trees and date-palms, and gardens dense with foliage, and fruits and herbage, for you and for your animals to enjoy. (all the laws of nature)


AND SO, when the piercing call is heard on a Day when everyone will [want to] flee from his brother, and from his mother and father, and from his spouse and his children: on that Day, to every one of them will his own state be of sufficient concern. Some faces will on that Day be bright with happiness, laughing, rejoicing at glad tidings. And some faces will on that Day with dust be covered, with darkness overspread: these will be the ones who denied the truth and were immersed in iniquity! 95:1-3(Hajj) We swear upon our blessings like the Fig and the Olive, and upon the stage of glory and fame that you have reached, and upon this city of peace that you have secured;