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Ameer Mu’awiyah bin Abi Sufyan

Major Misconceptions of the Islamic Civilization


Our common Muslim is too innocent, for he cherishes a blind faith upon whatever form and degree of fake and fictitious Islam has reached him as a sacred inheritance. Without undergoing even a cursory study, or taking up the least amount of research work, he can instantly become a lethal enemy to all those who may utter a single word against the prevalent fake and fictitious Islam or against his “Pious Elders” in the faith.  It doesn’t bother him to think that because of this very counterfeit Islam and these very “Pious Elders” the Muslim today is the cheapest and the lowest model community on the globe.  And in his own Muslim society it is regarded the highest blessing to secure a chance to emigrate to the Western societies of “Infidels and Deviationists”.  In this context the poor guy is seen frantically wandering around seeking visas at any cost.

What this humble writer is going to write in this brief research thesis of his would certainly prove to be a source of great turbulence and turmoil and a discovery having a devastating effect upon our “blind-faith” followers.  Nevertheless, if the ultimate truth is revealed to you through a hard and cruel toil in exploration, it becomes imperative for you to spread it far and wide and never to fear its repercussions.


Islam’s Real Criminals as discovered by the latest research

Mu’awiyah as part and parcel of the notorious At-Tulaqaa Group – Saudi Scholar Sheikh Hassan Farhan Al-Maaliki:

From the birthplace of Islam, Saudi Arabia, a modern Rationalist Quranist scholar and historian, Sheikh Hassan Farhan Al-Maliki has recently revealed a fresh historical discovery.  He claimed that the True Islam was totally destroyed by those arch enemies of the Messenger of Islam who had maintained their firm stand of enmity and disbelief during the entire period of the Islamic movement.  They were those tribal chiefs of Makkah and their allies whose major segment consisted of Umayyad clan of Qurayish and who, at the fateful hour of the victory of Makkah, entered the fold of Islam only under a timely strategic and compromising move.  According to Sheikh Hassan, they were the Umayyad Chief Abu Sufyan , his son Ameer Mu’awiyah and the group of their supporters.  However, their vicious hypocritical compromise was taken proper note of, although our histories were silenced over this issue by force.  The latest research revealed that this hypocrite group consisted of two thousand defeated militants who were subsequently given the denomination of At-Tulaqaa.


When this writer took up the analysis of Sheikh Hassan’s discovery on the criterion of my own continued research in history, not only various circumstantial evidence and conclusions were corroborated, but my own discovered theory about Mu’awiyah, being the destroyer of the true Islamic Caliphate, was fully attested and authenticated.  It goes without saying that this confirmation became a source of spiritual satisfaction and pleasure for me.  I thank the Almighty for protecting me from committing serious errors in my research work, and by guiding me towards the right direction, for granting me incalculable amount of encouragement.  I did become a target of criticism on these conclusions of my research work by a backward traditional segment of our society who kept annexing me with one or the other major sectarian groups we presently find in the Islamic faith.

Let us make it clear that by virtue of being a pure Quranist Muslim, my feeling of pleasure over authentic attestation of my research work has no sectarian or biased basis/aspects.  Love of Ali or hatred of Mu’awiyah has never been my concern at all.  There was just a perennial desire to know and expose to the world out there the true picture of destruction of the Real Islam and this desire was related to the feeling of shame caused by prevalent insult and ridicule of Islam and the Muslim Community all over the globe. But how regrettable it is to note the reactions of our blind faith follower segments and hero worshiper groups, that I had to face the abusive titles of Khaarji and Raafdhi for commenting positively on Sheikh Hassan’s modern research work. The term of At-Tulaqaa which Sheikh Hassan discovered through his solid research was used as a stranglehold around my neck and I was strongly opposed and cursed for giving “Pious Muslims” the name of At-Tulaqa.

I may add here just a little bit more to make it clear to these so-called Muslims that the journey of knowledge can never be obstructed by any amount of abuse, insult and cursing.  Why to bid farewell to patience and forbearance just in the very beginning. You never know how many more devastating discoveries are to unfold, and how many storms have to hit the humanity in the near future. There are many doors of the dark dungeons of history, shut for unknown centuries, yet to be opened, and God knows how many man-eater monsters are yet to emerge roaring from the dark shadows of their corroded thresholds.  Those infested with the virus of sects, blind devotions and prejudices are advised to keep in store their collections of abuse and edicts for the coming difficult times so that if their paralyzed tongues might still have some remnants of life, they may be able to fulfill their zest for abuse.

Authentic Attestations

The group nominated as At-Tulaqa at the time of the Victory of Makkah is clearly defined since ages in the world renowned Arabic Lexicon “Al-Munjid”, and it not only attests the research work of this humble writer but also the fresh revelations of Sheikh Hassan Al-Maalki.  Those who take pleasure in going deep into the ocean of research, they can carefully study the narrative of Al-Munjid under the Root word T L Q.

“Mu’awiyah’s entire career is reflective of intrigue, bribes, treachery on the land, hypocrite diplomacy, enmity of Mohammad pbuh and Islam, and the worst kind of despotism.”  How many historical facts can be defied or denied? Check “Tabqaat Ibn-e-Sa’ad, Tabari, Al-Iste’aab, Ibn al-Aseer, Al-Badayah wa Al-Nihayah. It is duly acknowledged that Imam Tabari of “Tareekh-ul-Umam wa al-Malook, is blamed of being a partisan of Shiite affiliation, but how would one blame the other authentic historians for reporting the facts that go against him?

The Perspective

Let us not forget that until the Hejri year 8 this guy was an infidel and enemy of Islam and stayed with his enemy of Islam and infidel father in Makkah at  the matured age of 26 years. He converted to Islam, along with his father, under compromise only when Makkah was conquered and he saw the sword reaching his neck.  This kind of Islam neither has a justification nor can it be acceptable to the God. The claim about him of being a scribe of divine revelations was an eye-wash/deceit. He could see only two and half to 3 years of the holy Prophet’s life in the guise of a hypocrite Muslim. Moreover, after being nominated among the chiefs of the At-Tulaqa group, how could he be appointed as a scribe by the Prophet?  How long would we continue believing those episodes of history blindly whose source are only traditions – those traditions which are hearsay, fabricated news and fake stories concocted to attest the fake and fictitious Interpretations of Quran and to give support to the legitimacy of the eras of despotic kings?

Thereafter, this guy infiltrated into the elitist class of Muslims and waited for his chance to come.  That chance came to him in the tragedy of the murder of Caliph Uthman.  It is also discovered that in order to fulfil his plans he was the one behind the conspiracy to murder Caliph Uthman. By that time, by virtue of his high status as the Governor of Syria he had become so powerful and independent as to launch the most formidable political adventure.  His target was no less than to uproot Islam from its foundations and re-establish the dictatorial supremacy and rule of the Umayyad clan.  The entire circumstantial evidence of the political moves of those times point in this direction. He also got accomplished the tasks he had left behind undone by nominating his son Yazeed as his successor.  Among that unfinished agenda were the massacre of everyone who had a deeper exposure to the knowledge of real Islam and obliterating all the remnants and governmental archives of the rise and development of Islamic movement and the Rashidoon Caliphate (the massacre of Herrah – Madinah).

It is a great tragedy that the Muslim has lost his historical consciousness.  He thinks that Quran does not offer a criterion for analyzing the virtues and evils of healthy and unhealthy behaviors and the manifestation of intellectual and social aspects of different spheres of life.  It is proved by the fact that our naïve Muslim does not visualize the annihilation of that discipline by Mu’awiyah’s insurgence  against the Rashidoon Caliphate which the Holy Prophet of Islam had established in accordance with the injunctions of the Quran in the form of the State of Madinah! When Mu’awiyuah later established a dynastic, cruel and dictatorial regime by obviating the code of socio-political ethics promulgated by the Holy Profit under the tenets of the Quran, the naïve Muslim could not sense that great fundamental and pivotal transformation. And Mu’awiyah still retained his counterfeit status of a holy Companion, scribe of divine revelations, a pious elder and  a Muslim Caliph, in such matured tactical way that his entire crooked career and, his hypocritical politics, and his overall un-Islamic character having been elaborated in the history, could not rip apart his cloak of piety and devotion.

Similarly, when Caliph Uthman generously distributed estates, high status Government posts, and huge amounts in cash, behaving blatantly against the verdicts of his predecessor Caliphs, the Muslim refused to believe these violations of fundamental principles. When Uthman pardoned the shrewd Marwan bin Hakam, who was exiled out of Madinah by the Holy Prophet, and appointed him as his State Secretary in Madinah, the Muslim still kept his mouth shut by way of blind devotion to him.  This Marwan bin Hakam was Uthman’s cousin and belonged to the same category of At-Tulaqa group who were separated from the mainstream Muslims at the time of the victory of Makkah. When Ameer Mu’awiyah finally managed to get Uthman murdered with the help of Uthman’s State Secretary and two of his friends known as Abdallah bin Sa’ad bin Abi Sarah and Walid bin ‘Aqbah bin Abi Muheet, the Muslim once again refused to acknowledge this conspiracy.  Immediately afterwards when Mu’awiyah, pursuing his long term tactics, raised the slogan of revenge for Uthman’s murder, even then his true character was not exposed to the Muslim. And finally, when after the battles of Jamal and Siffin against the elected Caliph Ali, Ameer Mu’awiyah usurped the caliphate and radically transformed the true discipline imposed by the Rashidoon Caliphate, the Muslim still could not grasp the reality.  His historical consciousness was devoured by blind faith upon “Pious elders”.

Can a Muslim deny the fact that Ali was the fourth elected Pious Caliph of the Muslims?  His political misjudgments put aside, his entitlement was unquestionable and to wage war against him could only be initiated by a traitor.

Disclaimer from prejudice and sectarianism

We are dealing here with historical facts, not with Shiite or Sunny sectarianism. To paint this writing with sectarianism would, in fact, be tantamount to create a justification for ignoring or overlooking the historical realities. I understand that the book entitled “Khilafat aur Malukiat” by Modudi illustrates the state of affairs in a better and authentic style.  Above all, the entire corpus of authentic historians confirm and attest the veracity of this book. Modudi displayed the needed courage and fortitude which spurred him to compile the detailed facts of favoritism and misappropriation of public funds emerging in the reign of Caliph Uthman and the usurping and destructive strategy against the real Islam unleashed by the hands of Mu’awiyah. As a result thereof, Modudi had to face a storm of cursing and abuse by the mainstream majority of his own sect.

Mahmood Ahmed Abbasi, as a critic of Modudi’s Book, failed to impress the readers as he just narrates a few statements in favor of Mu’awiyah and his succeeding son Yazeed on the basis of a few baseless traditions and fills the rest of his writing with conjectures, personal opinions and references from unknown historical sources.  Most of the pages of his book are replete with irrelevant stuff and biographies of unimportant personalities.  Facts have been distorted freely. His writings openly display Shiite enmity, enmity against Ali, Hassan and Hussain and sentiments of sectarianism.  That’s why the biased Sunni element blindly support his cheap and inconsistent writing. The so-called historical stuff that surfaces from his writings is so upside down that he commits the idiocy of declaring the autocratic, dynastic kingdoms of Umayyad and Abbaside clans as kingdoms of God based on the Quran and Hadith, only to prove his case as justified.  He declares that these successive despotic dynasties whose founder was a worst kind of dictator like Mu’awiyah was the continuation of the Pious Caliphate, irrespective of the historical reality that they ruled by sword, by a feudal system, where humans were bought and sold in the market like commodities and palaces and harems were built and maintained.  His extremely odd and weird historical misconceptions not only affiliate him with the category of bogus historians but easily categorize his entire writings as unauthorized and unbelievable.

The State of Affairs under Despotic Rule

The demolition of the Real Islam in 35 Al-Hejira and the annihilation of the kingdom of God was a tragedy of colossal proportions which the Muslim intelligentsia most regrettably laments to this day. The segment of Quranic thinkers among them have been endeavoring to explore and re-discover Islam’s lost philosophy since the last two centuries. Investigations into history to track down the actual criminal of Islam’s downfall have finally brought us to the real culprit. It might take some more time and effort before this culprit’s secrets and the minutest details of his conspiracy are fully exposed.  However, some elements continue trying to sabotage this sincere effort unintentionally with the help of two books of Mahmud Ahmed Abbasi and their blind convictions. It is brought to the kind notice of such elements that the un-authentic stuff by a partisan, rather prejudiced Sunni writer, cannot become an obstacle in the way of this great discovery. The true and pure face of Islam has to surface at all costs and Islam’s real enemies, who were not the so-called ‘Ajami compilers of the books of traditions, but were rather the Qurayishite despotic kings, would soon be fully exposed.

Hassan Basri says :- “Four of Mu’awiyah’s acts are such that if anyone commits even one of those, it may prove fatal for him. One of them is to draw the sword against this community/nation, and usurp the rule without a consultation or consensus although many companions of the Holy Prophet were still alive; secondly, to nominate his son as successor, although he was a drunkard, wore silk clothing and played music; thirdly, to include Ziyad into his family, although the clear verdict of the Holy Prophet was there saying that the offspring is owned by the one on whose bed it takes birth, and the fornicator deserves only stones; fourthly, his murder of Hujr and his comrades. (Ibn al-Aseer)

All the old feuds between the tibes of ‘Adnan, Qahtan, Yamani and Midhri, Azd and Tamim, Kalb and Qayis were revived under his rule.  Mu’awiyah himself instigated the tribes against one another.

Mu’awiyah declared a Muslim as heir to an Infidel and an Infidel was not declared heir to a Muslim.  It was the Caliph Umr bin Abdelaziz who abrogated this evil ruling of his.  But the succeeding Caliph Hishaam reinstated this tradition of his clan (Al-Bidayah wa Al-Nihayah).

Mu’awiyah initiated another ugly tradition under his rule.  It was that he himself and, under his orders, all of his governors, in their sermons from over the pulpit, used to curse Ali.  It went so far as in the Prophet’s Mosque in Madinah, exactly adjacent to the Prophet’s grave, his closest relative used to be cursed and Ali’s descendants and his close relatives used to listen to that abuse (Al-Tabari, Ibn-e-Kathir, Al-Badayah wa Al-Nahayah).

In case of distribution of war spoils too, Mu’awiyah violated the Book of God and the Sunnah of the Holy Prophet. The fifth of the total spoils used to go the public treasury and rest of the four shares were distributed among the troops. Instead of that he ordered to distribute the booty only after separating silver and gold for him. (Tabqaat Ibn-e-Sa’ad, Tabari, Al-Iste’aab, Ibn Al-Asir, Al-Badayah wa Al-Nahayah).

Mu’awiyah declared his Governors above the law and refused to take legal action against their excesses.  It went so far as one of his Governors conquered the city of HHHH   Hmtheiri their







\ Hamdan which was under the Ali’s rule, and turned all the Muslim women into slaves. (Ibn Al-Aseer, Al-Badayah wa Al-Nahayah).  This was how the institution of slavery was re-introduced into the Islam.

The Jahiliyah tradition of exhibiting the severed heads of the enemies was also re-instated in Mu’awiyah’s rule.  Cutting into pieces of dead bodies was also reintroduced in his rule.  Details of this gory practice are documented.

His son Yazeed commissioned Muslim bin ‘Aqabah to invade the city of Madinah.  Madinah was conquered and then under Yazeed’s orders, the Army was let loose to do whatever it wished for three days.  The entire city was ransacked in those three days, its inhabitants were massacred in which, as per the traditions of Imam Zohri, seven hundred dignitaries and about ten thousand common men were killed; and above all, the savage troopers broke into homes and blatant rape of women was committed.  According to Hafiz Ibn-e-Kathir, one thousand women became pregnant by raping during that time.  After doing away with Madinah the same army invaded Makkah, catapults were used for stoning the holy shrine of Ka’bah and fire was thrown/showered.

Proofs from Traditions

Some devotees of Mu’awiyah offer some stuff from traditions in his favor.  For example, that he was a Companion, a Scribe of Revelations, was one of the “ten with glad tidings” (‘Ashrah Mubashshirah), etc. etc. In rebuttal thereof some examples from the same collection of traditions are presented hereunder which would make such devotees look into the mirror carefully :-


Abdallah ibn Umar says that he heard the Prophet saying:  “Mu’aviyah is not going to die on the path of Islam”.

Jaabir ibn Abdallah testified that he himself heard the Prophet saying : “Mu’awiyah will not be counted as one of the Muslim Ummah at the time of his death”.

Ash-Shawkaani has cursed Mu’awiyah in his book, “Neel al-Awtaar”.

Abdallah ibn Musa has cursed Mu’awiyah and  anyone who does not curse Mu’awiyah.

Abdur Razzaaq as-San’aani from “Masnad Ahmed” :-  Whenever Mu’awiyah was mentioned or referred to he used to say “Do not spoil this gathering of ours with the mention of Abu Sufyan’s son”.

Excerpt from Saudi Sheikh Hassan Farhan Al-Maliki.

Our contemporary Saudi historian and Quranic Scholar Sh. Hassan narrates in one of his Videos :-

“The people of Badr were massacred in the battle of Siffin.  It was done by the hands of Mu’awiyah and the Syrian Army sent by him.  We do not find any mention of Al-Arqam here who was also killed in Siffin along with others. In the last Video, the name of Madlaj ibn ‘Amr As-Salaami was mentioned.  His account was also made to disappear as he also was Ali’s supporter.  Among them were some Badri Companions whose names the government failed to delete from the pages of history, such as ‘Ammaar bin Yaasir, Abu Ayyub Ansaari, although he was nowhere mentioned after giving the Prophet a refuge in his house in Medinah.  He was also killed in the battle of Siffin and then Mu’awiyah and his supporters claimed that he was killed while fighting under the  command of Yazid ibn Mu’awiyah.  Behind this contradiction, there’s a long story; and since 1409, viz., about 20 years, I have been engaged in deeper research on Abu Ayyub Ansaari in the perspective of those Badri Companions who stood alongside of Imaam Ali.  This research of mine deals with the supporters of Imaam Ali and particularly with his supporter Badri Companions.  In the course of this research I have scanned through Ibn-e-Tymiah and several other books and have noted about those personalities who reported had not supported the legitimate Caliphate of Imaam Ali.  Most of those Companions have been reported as saying that they did not stand with Ali because they wanted to avoid chaos and confusion in the Ummah.  And that none of them were with Ali except three or four Companions.  Such statements are also seen which report that non-supporter group included Imaam Ash-Sha’abi too who stated on oath that nobody stood with Ali except Khuzimah ibn Thaabit.  Moreover, many of the opposite narratives were rejected too which are authentic and still exist in the books of Sunnite Scholars, such as Khalifah ibn Khayyaat, Tabqaat ibn Sa’ad, in Al-Mo’jam Al-Kabeer by At-Tibraani; and even Adh-Dhahbi has included them in his book Tareekh-al-Islam Al-Kabeer.

During this research I noted a highly notable fact which was depicted by Ibn-e-Tymia.  He said, “There is a Sunnah which all of us know about; and there’s another Sunnah which is known as Umayyad Sunnah.  Those who believe in that Sunnah which we all believe in – and let me mention here that Dr. Suhail and myself are included in this group – they support the fact that Imaam Ali’s Caliphate is considered legitimate by as many known pious people as can be possible, inclusive of the Companions.  However, those who believe in the Umayyad Sunnah, they wish that the majority of such pious people may appear impartial.  And that impartiality is desired only for the purpose of supporting the false claims of Mu’awiyah.

Anyway, Mu’awiyah’s evil deeds, like going to war against Ali, assassination of ‘Ammaar bin Yaasir in the battle of Siffin, the massacre of Badri Companions, taking of Al-Riba, drinking and trading in liquor, grabbing the wealth of people, can be seen easily in “Masnad Ash-Shaashi” and “Al-Haakim” etc. etc.”

The Law of Requittal 

By all accounts, Mu’awiyah bin Abi Sufyan of the House of Umayyads was the name of the evil character of Muslim history who destroyed forever the sacred Kingdom of God, known as the Pious Caliphate, established by the merciful and inspiring hands of the Holy Messenger of Islam.  It is he whose entire unscrupulous diplomacy of that time is illustrated on the pages of history in substantial detail.  Some startling discoveries have come up recently by virtue of which answers to some perennial questions have been traced and puzzles solved. All that you have studied in the thesis above embodies the painful details of this counter-revolution which resulted in the resurgence of a cruel, personal, dynastic Umayyad regime which brought about an abrupt and conclusive end of the golden universal ethics and morals.  Nevertheless, the retribution of their inhuman, exploitative character and of their luxury and debauchery was suffered by the Umayyad clan in such a terrible manner that only after 92 years of rule, the Abbasid clan, with the help of the troops of Abu Muslim Khorasaani, slaughtered their entire Royalty.  Young or old, man or woman, not a single soul was spared.  The skeletons/bones of most prominent late Umayyad kings were dug out of their graves and hanged in public. So, God’s Law of Requital turned their glory into a devastating end.

It is an amazing phenomenon that in spite of the evil despotic character of the Umayyad and the Abbasid dynastic rule so emphatically and inconspicuously detailed in the historical record, and in spite of whatever befell upon them as divine retribution, the Muslim faith group still looks at them in awe and pride!  By all accounts, this insane outlook originates from the propaganda by the Muslim clergy that all of those rulers must be treated as the Pious Elders of Islam, and their evil deeds must be overlooked so that no sin is sustained.  Until today, the illiterate majority and the frigid minds of educated Muslims are kept misguided in not believing that the real destroyers of true Islam were  their own Muslim kings.  They still believe that the founders of these two dynastic ruler families were the true Muslims, one of whom was the Companion of the Prophet, the Scribe of Revelations, and the legitimate fifth Pious Caliph of the Muslims, and was full of virtues.  And the insane majority blindly believes this obviously false and misguiding propaganda without study, probe and research, which had come originally from the Umayyad Kings.

The thesis presented by this writer in installments with the purpose of exposing the Muslim history’s grand scam and fraud, and to divert this community towards intellect, thinking, consciousness and probe, has been responded to by a few readers in a way that paints the true picture of a community intellectually dead, with corroded thinking and elder-worshiping tendency.  Criticism by way of lame excuses, irrelevant objections and senseless questioning, absence of tackling and sticking to the real theme, and efforts to divert away from the fundamental points, is widely noted. Those failing in ability to write down a single page of academic criticism, have kept condemning the writer with the naked sword of their personal convictions.  While hating the act of kicking out such characters from the forum, I was forced to do so with several miscreants who abused me in street-wise terminology, not without having to bear lots of grief.

None of that group of miscreants was found possessing the least degree of patience, courage and academic attitude to, at least, let the thesis completely posted on the page.  They were unable to digest that their conceptual dream-fort of Islam can eventually be doomed to a total demolition.  How can this ignorant and unfortunate community reform itself – and compete with other nations on the track of development – without knowing fully well as to what havoc was played by the Umayyad despots with their divine discipline just 24 years after the sad demise of their divine Messenger, by inventing an alternate and fictitious Islam for them.  Some highlights are as follows:-

.         Just after 40 al-Hejira, the seat of the so-called Islamic Government of Umayyad dynasty was moved from Mosques to Forts and Palaces, and was removed from the access of general public, and smeared with the majesty of royal protocol and armies of courtiers, etc.

.         A worst kind of feudal system was imposed upon the masses by sword under which a society was built on two-classes pattern.  On one side were the rich landlords, generals and those influential with the royalty, and on the other were the agricultural labor, artisans, civil or military servants. This system can still be seen in practice in most of the Muslim societies.

.         After 40 al-Hejira, till 200 years, the majority of Muslim scholars seen everywhere were those of Jewish origin who had on the surface, accepted the Muslim faith, and by the power of their allegiance with the Umayyad and Abbasid Royal courts, they had rendered the true Muslim scholars redundant or without influence. 

.         By the advent of al-Hejira 80, those Jewish Scholars and Sheikhs had injected into Islam, in the name of Islamic spirituality, all those practices and rituals which were up to that time the hallmark of only Judaism;

.         Along with the establishment of the Umayyad rule in Damascus, the mission of the demolition of the Real Islam and the formulation of a fake and fictitious Islam was simultaneously launched;

.         The start of that particular stage was initiated by launching the writing of Quran’s self-serving Tafaseer (exegesis, interpretations) by Jewish Scholars on the analogy of Talmud.  Every part upon its completion was sent to all the governorates under the Royal Decree ordering its imposition upon the masses by sword, who were forced to follow those tafaseer as against the Quran;

.         On the pattern/analogy of Jewish Mishnaat, the fabrication of oral tradition was also initiated with full royal protocol with the sole purpose of affording authenticity to the fabricated tafaseer by the medium of Rusool’s sayings.  Most of those sayings were the hearsay of imported Jewish oral tradition, through which all kinds of lechery, sexual debauchery and libel and slander were ascribed to the holy Messenger and his family and companions;

.         During the period from the martyrdom of Uthman (35 Hejira) to the martyrdom of Aballah ibn Zubair (73 Hejira), in only 37 years, all those who knew Islam in its depth and essence, were killed.  Those named “ashrat-ul mubashshirah”, the four holy souls, the companions of Badr, the companions of Bai’at-e-Ridhwaan”, those possessing the deeper knowledge of Quranic ideology, all were eliminated (the Massacre of Hirrah, the massacre in Makkah).

The research based essence of our history is so catastrophic that not only its full narrative and its entire perspective is for the time being impossible to relate, but rather its acceptance by superstitious and blind believer Muslims is almost impossible.  Still some highly concerned scholars have gone to great lengths to discover and write those facts.  The present work should suffice to open the eyes of the probing minds. Therefore, it is presented for only those with living and vibrant minds.

The “Menace” of KHWAARIJ (الخوارج)

I would beg my Readers’ forgiveness that perhaps still one more convulsion was in waiting for them, one which was to shatter one more big conviction out of their inherited collection of convictions.  I’m sure after reading this one, my Readers would feel the earth under their feet crumbling -  that the creation of the “Menace of Khwaarij” was also the brain child of our “Great Companion”, the statesman of the time, the honorable Ameer Mu’awiyah bin Abi Sufyan.  Apart from the question whether or not that really was a Menace or whether a successful mission was launched through hired historians to frame it as a menace, it is a fact that due to this guy’s mutiny against the ruling Caliph and unleashing the battle of Siffin, a powerful group of people whose slogan was none other than “Inil-Hukmu illa Lillah” (the right to rule is for none other than the God) got separated and walked away from the army of Caliph Ali.  This slogan of theirs was the basis of separation from Ali by this group called Khwaarij, who declared that Ali committed a grave mistake by accepting “Tehkeem”(decision thru negotiation) with a renegade.  This group is known by history as consisting of the tribe of Bani Tamim.

The state of affairs is very clear.  According to Khwaarij, Ali was the legitimate Caliph of the Muslimeen.  By his Armed incursion against Ali, Ameer Mu’waviyah committed the act of treason against the Islamic State.  According to the injunctions of the Quran, he had to be dealt with by armed retaliation as a mandatory reaction.  The Quran had never made permissible any kind of negotiation with or allowances to such an enemy in the face of his armed incursion.  Hence, the Caliph Ali had violated the commandments of God and the Quran by accepting “Tehkeem”, or negotiation, with the enemy. And it was apparent too that Amir Mu’aviyah’s invitation for negotiations was a shrewd tactical move to upturn the losing battle in his favor by deceiving Ali.

The detailed scenario of that episode is narrated like this.  As soon as it became apparent that the battle of Siffin is going to result in Ali’s victory, and as Mu’aviyah’s troops perceived the impending defeat, Mu’aviyah, with the consultation of his military strategists, who included the legendary army commander ‘Amr bin al-‘Aas, ordered his army to raise the Quran on the tips of their spears and proclaim that they want to abstain from shedding the Muslim blood, and to leave the decision to the Quran.  Ali was sent the message to nominate his representatives, and that we also have appointed ours, and we sit down together and undertake mutual arbitration (Tehkeem) according to the Quran. Whoever is found on the right path, he will be declared victorious.  Ali was trapped in this tactical trump card, just like many others of his political errors. And at this conjecture, this trap of Mu’aviyah caused such a group of Muslims to emerge who, upon this violation of the divine Code of Ethics, waged wars not only against the Caliph Ali, but fought against the ruthless usurper governments of the Umayyads and then the Abbasides for more than a century. These true believers with meager resources, kept sacrificing their belongings and the lives of their coming generations in the way of God against the two great kingdoms of the time, until in the reign of the Abbasside Caliph Haroon, at long last, the State finally succeeded in wiping out these true believers of Islam forever, by using their unlimited resources and the best of armies battling under the highly distinguished commanders. Subsequently, under the despotic regimes, the entire profile of this community of true believers was altered, smearing it with negative propaganda against the nature of their protracted and persistent armed rebellion against the un-Islamic rule of the Umayyad and Abbasside dynasties. Consequently, every Tom, Dick and Harry today calls every terrorist organization, in loud terms, by the hateful denomination of Khaarji or Khwaarij. Among such self-deceived intellectuals we find the present loudest Jihad-monger of our community, Mr. Zaid Hamid, commonly known as “Laal Topi Wala”!

The history also reveals that in spite of their vast resources and remarkably substantial military and economic capabilities, the despotic Umayyad Empire had failed to wipe out the valiant Khwaarij. They persisted in waging Jihad against the Empire in their dwindling capacity by establishing military headquarters in one territory or the other.  They proved themselves as the fiercest of warriors of their time who did not back out from any hardship and gravest of sacrifices that their sacred struggle demanded.  History also tells us that had there not been an exceptionally talented war lord, with God-given faculty and competence in warfare, among the Umayyad Generals, by the name of Mohallab bin Abi Safrah (مہلّب بِن ابی صفرہ), and subsequently his equally talented sons, perhaps the valiant Khwaarij warriors would have brought the Umayyad dynasty to a miserable end; and thus would have succeeded in doing away with a usurper un-Quranic regime; and would have turned the tide of Islamic history. The history testifies to the fact that apart from this prominent general and his sons, whosoever was deputed by the Umayyad and Abbasside rulers to face the Khwaarij armies, was either killed or got humiliated by defeat.

A very biased picture of the Khwaarij has been painted in our history.  They have been portrayed as extremists, terrorists and cruel Islamic fundamentalists.  In this respect, an oral tradition is ascribed to the holy Messenger of Islam whose target is unduly and forcibly directed towards Khwaarij.  The Readers can easily make their decision about the veracity of its contents :-

“It is narrated that an arrogant man’s arrogance – who is named as Zul Khwisrah Tamimi - while in audience with the holy Messenger of God, became the root cause of this menace which, later on, created chaos and split in the Muslim community.  Imam Abu Bakr al-Aajuri (d. 360 H) writes in Chapter Zim al-Khawaarij, in his “Kitaab ash-Shri’ah :- “The very first man from Khwaarij appeared in the era of the holy Messenger.  It was this man who made taunts at the holy Messenger when he was distributing the war spoils at the place called Ju’ranah.  This wretched man said: “O Mohammad, make justice.  I notice that you are not doing justice”.  The holy Messenger replied, “May death befall upon you; if I will not do justice, then who else would come to do it”.

Just compare the period of the holy messenger and the Hejirah year 360 when this oral tradition was concocted around to narrate a fabricated lie!!!  Then we proceed further. “Hafiz ibn-e-Hajr ‘Asqalani writes in “Fath al-Baari” that it was this Zul Khwisrah Tamimi’s people who later on emerged with the title of Khwaarij.  An unidentified person named Abdur Razzaaq relates that the said Hafiz said: “The real name of Zul Khwisrah Tamimi was Harqoos bin Zubair and he was the founder of Khwaarij.”

It is very clear that any powerful group that had been waging Jihaad against the Regime of the time, would be subjected to all kinds of poisonous propaganda.  On this historical reality, along with all factors under consideration, we have sufficient grounds to conclude that the Khwaarij was a righteous community.  It is evident by detailed analysis that they regarded the regimes of Umayyad and Abbasside dynasties as un-Islamic and un-Quranic.  It does mean that they had full knowledge of their deviationist designs, and therefore, were their natural and foremost enemies; and that they were the only power of that initial Islamic period who, on ideological grounds, practically struggled hard to fight those un-Islamic regimes in the battlefields by employing admirable bravery, selflessness and unbelievable sacrifices.

Under the influence and patronage of the governments of the time, following are the titles systematically awarded to the Khwaarij from time to time:-

Khwaarij are Ahl-e-Zeigh (اہلِ زیغ) (Deviationists);

Khwaarij are damned apostates;

Khwaarij are intriguers and malicious;

Khwaarij are liable to cursing;

Khwaarij have the assumption of being righteous;

Khwaarij are liable to death; are terrorists;

Khwaarij regard all other Muslims as Kaafirs;

Killing of Muslims is a virtue for the Khwaarij;


whereas, the basic conviction of the Khwaarij, easily seen in the same books of history, itself declares all the above insinuation as null and void. And while applying the attributes of intellect and rationality, and through a careful analysis, one can easily and automatically come to the question, without getting confused, as to which of these contradictory historical narrations be taken as the ultimate truth.  For example, the same history emphasizes that :-

the Khwaarij duly recognized Ali as the legitimate, elected and the fourth Pious Caliph;

the Khwaarij regarded the process of TEHKEEM to resolve the issue of the new ruler as illegitimate, as according to them, it was the prerogative of Allah to decide that issue. And for this purpose the Quran stipulated clear and elaborate injunctions;

they had the conviction that any Muslim, even a non-Quraishite and a non-Arab could be the leader of the Ummah, if his character and conduct – or integrity - was above any doubt or suspicion;

they maintained the stance that if the supreme leader was known to commit a sin, it was mandatory upon the Muslims to get him out of the seat of authority;

they contended that the third Caliph, Uthman had become liable to death by assassination due to the blunders he had committed;

they perceived Muawiyyah guilty of treason and saw no justification for him to demand a resolution by TEHKEEM, or negotiations, being a traitor.  He was to be fought against until he repented and begged forgiveness. In this respect they used to refer to the Verse 9/49 of the Quran, which stipulates that ….”if two parties among the believers are fighting against each other, then arrange a reconciliation  between them; still if one of them commits aggression against the other, the aggressor must be fought against until he surrenders  and submits to divine injunctions;

they maintained that by accepting the process of TEHKEEM Ali had committed a major sin and by rejecting Allah’s commandments, preferred some mortals’ recommendation over it;

they believed that a Muslim must maintain adherence with the Quran, or with the methodology followed by Prophet Mohammad, Abubakr and Umar bin Khattab;

they rejected the concept that the right of Leadership must be given on the basis of dynastic relationship with Prophet Mohammad;

Khwaarij believed that the Quran was the only source of jurisprudence (Fiqh), and rejected both the other sources known as Hadith and Consensus;

Khwaarij were fond of martyrdom in the way of Allah. Taking into account the women’s participation in the battles along with Prophet Mohammad, they believed fighting was mandatory for women too. They quoted the example of the famous warrior poetess, Layila bint Tareef.


Respected Readers know very well that keeping the Quranic guidance in view, none of the above attributes of the Khwaarij can be declared going against the Quranic injunctions. So, analyzing the above contradictions from history, how easy it is made by the same history to ascertain as to why the Khwaarij were the real enemies of the anti-Quran despotic rulers who had taken a start from Mu’awiyyah’s Damascus regime. In other words, the reality comes up before us that contrary to all the incriminations against them by the despotic regimes – which actually were fabricated via concocted traditions and are enumerated in greater detail in Allama Tahir al-Qadri’s book entitled as “Khwaarij” – Khwaarij was a segment of truly righteous Momineen as elucidated multiple times on the pages of the same history.

This brief narration was given about another big sin and crime on the part of Mu’awiyyah whose repercussions caused a big turmoil and a continued civil war in the Ummah for more than a century, and resulted in the killing of hundreds of thousands innocent Mulims.



We keep observing ridiculous blames against our history by many stupid commentators who try to marginalize the history whenever it does not agree or coincide with their personal convictions.  It will be a good lesson if such ludicrous persons are told that the importance of history cannot be devalued by excessive verbiage based on some baseless concepts, or due to the influence of some teachers’ statements delivered in the past.  Nor this field of knowledge can be entirely overlooked by the presence of a few un-authentic remarks or some exaggerated material therein.  It would be the worst kind of ignorance if the existing material and its sources are not utilized for deriving facts by scanning through a research process.  That kind of blunder, if still committed, would render you losing your own identity, that of your own civilization, and of the space and the ground you are standing upon amid the rapid and  merciless pace of the passing time. For the blind followers of their teachers, it should suffice to bring into light that the Quran itself is a pure history in the measure of one third of its script.  It narrates the history of ancient messengers of God, their communities, the events they had to pass through, their rise and fall; and during the time of the revelation of the Quran, many events inclusive of battles and many other adventures and occurrences, etc. It will be another blow on the face of such ludicrous personalities if the Quran is declared entirely as a book of history in itself.  They will never be able to refute this statement, by applying the whole might of their deficient knowledge, because history is not the name of only episodes and occurrences; history is also the history of ideologies, of values, of rules and laws, of philosophies, of wisdom, and of nations’ conduct. And the magnificent Quran is the history of all these fields of knowledge pertaining to its particular time, and upon this knowledge of history the whole edifice of a great new and enlightened nation was built. So, how can the history written later than the Quran can be rejected?  Of course, some of its suspicious and exaggerated contents can be passed through a process of rectification and improvement by way of research into their sources.

Nevertheless, the work of this humble writer is not for those ludicrous people who fall under the category of a ‘dead nation’; who are content and well-to-do in their lives which are based on lie and deceit, and have no purpose or destination. It is those who are not keen and anxious in seeking the ultimate reality of their existence. It is also those who feel happy when they insult and abuse scholars and sages only because they themselves are bereft of knowledge and awareness. The Quran equates such people with animals.  The present thesis of this humble writer is also not presented for those whom Quran denominates as the livestock.  It is requested that this class of people should maintain a distance from this writing and stay happily with their hero worship,  blind faith and convictions.

On the other hand, I assure all of my learned and civilized Readers who are well aware of my great venture of the Quran’s most up-dated translations, that had the history not been the target of my research endeavors – along with the Quran – I would never have been able to translate the great Quran in a way which can be observed as totally contrary to the commonly prevalent ambiguous, inconsistent and insufficient form of interpretations; its very first reading enlightens the mind, with relevant context and background, with the true light of the Quran.  It is the inspiration of the history that my translations, though adhering word by word with the Quranic script, move along with the relative themes and background; and therefore are as self-sufficient and self-explicit as the Quran itself. Therefore, there can be no doubt that it was the intentional outcasting of the Quran’s historical background, the Makkan struggle, the formulation of the Madinian State, and its politics and sociology which caused serious deficiencies in the study of the Quran in spite of the great number of traditionist and inherited Quranic interpretations and translations available in the past and presently. These writings could never reach the depths of its wisdom, and that was why the Muslim mind always failed to apply that wisdom in the rehabilitation of human values. It is the mandatory result of sidetracking the Quranic concept of history that traditional Muslim thinker has, till date, not known the true definitions of the Quran terminology, such as ZAALIM, KAAFIR,  FAASIQ, NISAA’, NIKAAH, TALAAQ, AZWAAJ, AL-MOHAIZ, MUTRIFIN, MUSTAKBIRIN, MA MALAKAT AYIMANU-KUM, etc.  The poor souls could never know that the worthy Rusool’s working life is the living proof of the Quran being a source and fountain-head of a great movement of freedom of humans from the clutches of the ever-present corrupt and plunderer segment of societies; and was not a religion educating people in the arts of   worship, prostration, praying, pilgrimages and blind dogmas.

During the posting of this Article’s installments on public media, my friends’ list kept purifying itself by bidding farewell to many vicious and/or childish elements from this serious academic forum.  Along with that, I felt really grateful to all those true devotees of knowledge who proved to be sane and civil in the face of the devastation of their age-old beliefs. It was those who not only overlooked their inherited faith on this sensitive historical issue, but appreciated my hard work; or expressed their reservations in a literary and academic style. All of my regular Readers are held in high esteem and are always free to form their own opinions, as I only present to them the results of my research ventures, and/or offer a few clarifications in response to their queries.  They have a close relationship of sharing knowledge with me, not of always agreeing with me. It is for them that I bring up the realities of the Quran and the history in order that the perspective of our lost Ummah’s destination can be changed.

With regard to the above presentation, this humble writer has never feared this society’s small and big thugs or its multiplying religious monopolists. My work is carried out with the hardest of toil and will remain alive as a platform for the coming generations of educated and self-conscious segment to take off for the new heights. And in this form, this research work has become preserved for all times to come in the great global archives or treasures of knowledge. This is a work done on behalf of the Creator of this Universe as this entails a thorough cleansing of His own Book from the thick layers of dust and ashes. It is a work which blows out the mystery and magic spells cast by the enemies of Islam in the Quran and the history. It is a concerted effort to save the Muslim from being the target of shame, apologetic disposition and insult, by spreading the true light of the Quran all around the globe. It is also a Jihaad to obstruct the way of apostasy, deviation and atheism rapidly penetrating in the Muslim community. Hence, no human being is capable of rewarding this writer for this work.  My Lord, Allah alone has the right and authority to reward me for it as He is the one Who is aware of the mysteries of human mind. And to Him alone this humble one surrenders his conscious self and his Eimaan and Conscience, with sentiments of humility and servitude, for His justice and mercy. All praise be to Allah.

It goes without saying at this point that a very special injunction of the Supreme Authority of this Universe must always be kept in our view, which stipulates that : (Al-Quran: 12/76: نَرْفَعُ دَرَجَاتٍ مَّن نَّشَاءُ ۗ وَفَوْقَ كُلِّ ذِي عِلْمٍ عَلِيمٌ ) “We keep raising to higher degrees of knowledge those who meet the criterion of our Providences; and that’s how there always exists a scholar/intellectual who is above all the other possessors of knowledge”.