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Mission and Vision
Some History
Not an Exegesis
The Fundamental and Devastating Issue of Writing Tafaseer (Quranic Exposition/Exegesis)
Modern Deviation
Chapter 1 - Acknowledging The Truth
Chapter 2 - Focalization of Subject Matter
Chapter 3 - Contextual Perspective
Chapter 4 - Materialism-Based Quranic Interpretations
Chapter 5 - "Aastana's" Proven Convictions
Chapter 6 - Conviction No. 1 "The Quran is a Book of Human Rights"
Chapter 7 - Conviction No. 2 "The Quran is the Secrets of Nature - Not Divine Revelation"
Chapter 8 - Conviction No. 3 "The Quran Does Not Predict a Hereafter"
Chapter 9 - Conviction No. 4 "Divine Messengers' Names do not Signify Real Persons But Only Attributes"
Chapter 10 - Conviction No. 5 "Al-Ghayib (The Unseen) Actually Means Nature's Laws"
Chapter 11 - Conviction No. 6 “The Word 'Death' in Quranic Text Does Not Mean Physical Death”
Chapter 12 - Conviction No. 7 "The 'Real' Definition of 'Zina' in Quran and its Fallout
Chapter 13 - Conviction No. 8 "According to Quran, History has no Important Significance."
Chapter 14 - Conviction No. 9 “The "Real‟ Meaning of "Maheez‟ in The Quran is Not Menstruation”
The Library
Crucial Themes from Chapter 33 Al-Ahzaab (Installment 1)
Justice with Orphans from Chapter 4 An-Nisaa (Installment 2)
Crucial Themes of "HALAAL & HARAAM FOOD" (Installment 3)
Crucial Themes of "MASJID & MASAAJID-ALLAH" (Installment 4)
Story of Invasion of Makkah Chapter 105 Al-Feel (Installment 5)
The Crime of Implicating Mohammad pbuh Chapter 80 (Installment 6)
Consciousness, Death, Torture in Graves and Resurrection (Installment 7)
Crucial Themes of Fasting and Pilgrimage (Installment 8)
Conversion of Word into Royal Tribe (Installment 9)
The Tale of Prophet Job (Installment 10)
Chapter 95 At-Teen (Installment 11)
The Myth of Prophet Jonah (Installment 12)
"KA'BAH" and "MASJID AL-HARAAM" (Installment 13)
The Fake Story of Prophet Mohammad's Marriage (Installment 14)
The Fake Story of Shortening "Worship Prayer" (Installment 15)
The Theme of Mohkamaat & Mutashabihaat (Installment 16)
"Deen Al-Qayyam" & "Youm al-Hajj al-Akbar" (Installment 17)
The Islamic Ritual of Pilgrimage (Installment 18)
Ka'bah and Masjid Al-Haraam (Installment 19)
Chapter 97 Al-Qadr (Installment 20)
Chapter 18 Al-Kahaf (Installment 21)
The Wanderings of Prophet Moses Chapter 18 (Installment 22)
Gog and Magog (Installment 23)
Misconception About Prescribed Timings of Prayer (Installment 24)
Al-Zina and Fohosh (Installment 25)
Allah's Mode of Communication with Man (Installment 26)
The Myth of Noah's "Ark" and the "Great Deluge" (Installment 27)
Is the Quran a Guide to Eating and Drinking? (Installment 28)
Ribaa and Fictitious Traditional Interpretations (Installment 29)
Mandatory Veil for Women in Islam??? (Installment 30)
Multiple Wives Offered to the Messenger of Islam?? (Installment 31)
Al-Nisa - The Social Class, Segment or Gender it Signifies (Installment 32)
Prophet Lot and his "Supposed" Community of Sodomists (Installment 33)
About Slavery in the Quran (Installment 34)
The Contradictory Nature of the Human Self (Installment 35)
Marriages or Human Rights? Chapter 4-An-Nisaa (Installment 36)
Chapter 33 - Wives or Weaker Classes of Society (Installment 37)
Chapter 111 - Al-Masad-Is Abi Lahab a person's name (Installment 38)
The "Abbreviation" Alif-Laam-Meem (Installment 39)
The Tale of Joseph and Zuleikha (Installment 40)
What is Meant by "QURBANI" or "ZIBH-E-AZEEM" (Installment 41)
The Hoax of "Divorce" (Installment 42)
The Hoax of Nikaa "Marriage" (Installment 43)
Chapter 66: At-Tehreem (Installment 44)
Who are Jibrael (Gabriel) & Mikaal (Michael) in the Quran? (Installment 45)
Four Quranic Chapters Starting with "QUL"-Nos. 109, 112, 113, 114 (Installlment 46)
The Myth of Two Angels in Babylon, HAROOT & MAROOT (Installment 47)
Chapter No. 86 – AT-TAARIQ (Installment 48)
The Tale of King Solomon & Queen Sheeba (Installment 49)
Parting of the Sea by Prophet Moses (Installment 50)
Chapters Al-Ma'oon (107), Al-Kauthar (108) & Al-Nasr (110) (Installment 51)
Chapters Al-Humazah (104) & Al-'Asr (103) (Installment 52)
Chapters Al-Qaariah (101) & At-Takaathur (102) (Installment 53)
Chapters Al-Zulzilah (99) & Al-'Aadiyaat (100) (Installment 54)
Chapters Al-Qadr (97) & Al-Bayyanah (98) (Installment 55)
Chapters Al-'Alaq (96) & At-Teen (95) (Installment 56)
Chapters Al-Dhuhaa (93) & Ash-Sharha (94) (Installment 57)
Chapters Ash-Shams (91) & Al-Layil (92) (Installment 58)
Chapter Al-Balad (90) (Installment 59)
Chapter Al-Fajr (89) (Installment 60)
Chapter Al-Ghaashiah (88) (Installment 61)
Chapter Al-A’laa (87) (Installment 62)
The Episode of Slaughter of COW by Isaelites Al-Baqarah:67-79 (Installment 63)
The Myth of the Creation of Adam (Installment 64)
Chapter Al-Burooj (85) (Installment 65)
Chapter Al-Inshaqaaq (84) (Installment 66)
Chapter Al-Mutaffafeen (83) (Installment 67)
Chapter Al-Infataar (82) (Installment 68)
Chapter At-Takweer (81) (Installment 69)
Chapter ‘Abasa (80) (Installment 70)
Chapter An-Naazi’aat (79) (Installment 71)
Chapter An-Naba’a (78) (Installment 72)
Chapter Al-Mursalaat (77) (Installment 73)
Chapter Al-Insaan (76) (Installment 74)
Chapter Al-Qiyamah (75) (Installment 75)
Chapter Al-Mudaththar (74) (Installment 76)
Chapter Al-Muzammil (73) (Installment 77)
Chapter Al-Jinn (72) (Installment 78)
Chapter Nooh (71) (Installment 79)
Chapter Al-Ma’arij (70) (Installment 80)
Chapter Al-HAAQQAH (69) (Installment 81)
Chapter Al-QALAM (68) (Installment 82)
Chapter Al-MULK (67) (Installment 83)
The Abbreviations (Muqatta’aat) – Part 2 (Installment 84)
The Chapter At-Tehreem (66) (Installment 85)
The Chapter At-Talaaq (65) (Installment 86)
The Chapter At-Taghaaban (64) (Installment 87)
The Chapter Al-Munaafiqoon (63) (Installment 88)
The Chapter Al-Jum’ah (62) (Installment 89)
The Chapter Al-Saff (61) (Installment 90)
The Chapter Al-Mumtahinah (60)(Installment 91)
The Chapter Al-Hashar (59) (Installment 92)
The Chapter Al-Mujaadilah (58)(Installment 93)
The Chapter Al-Hadeed (57) (Installment 94)
The Chapter Al-Waqi’ah (56)(Installment 95)
The Chapter Al-Rahmaan(55)(Installment 96)
The Chapter Al-Qamar (54)(Installment 97)
The Chapter An-Najm (53)(Installment 98)
The Chapter At-Toor (52)(Installment 99)
The Chapter Adh-Dhaariyaat (51)(Installment 100)
Urdu Library
Urdu - Installment 1
Urdu - Installment 2
Urdu - Installment 3
Urdu - Installment 4
Urdu - Installment 5
Urdu - Installment 6
Urdu - Installment 7
Urdu - Installment 8
Urdu - Installment 9
Urdu - Installment 10
Urdu - Installment 11
Urdu - Installment 12
Urdu - Installment 13
Urdu - Installment 14
Urdu - Installment 15
Urdu - Installment 16
Urdu - Installment 17
Urdu - Installment 18
Urdu - Installment 19
Urdu - Installment 20
Urdu - Installment 21
Urdu - Installment 22
Urdu - Installment 23
Urdu - Installment 24
Urdu - Installment 25
Urdu - Installment 26
Urdu - Installment 27
Urdu - Installment 28
Urdu - Installment 29
Urdu - Installment 30
Urdu - Installment 31
Urdu - Installment 32
Urdu - Installment 33
Urdu - Installment 34
Urdu - Installment 35
Links to Books and Articles In Urdu by Aurangzaib Yousufzai
Books & Articles
The Universe and God
The Divine Wisdom Behind The Creation of "Everything" in "Pairs"
The Mystery of the Human Self
1) Did God cause distortion of earlier messages?
2) Did God allow the Quran's meanings to be camouflaged?
3) The Quran's Language
4) Different Translations
5) Verse 25:30
6) How Did the Messenger Receive the Message?
7) A Woman As a Witness
8) A Woman's Inheritance
9) Man's Superiority Over Women?
10) Polygamy As Per The Quran
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The Clash of "Religiosity" and "Ideology or Idealism"
Spiritual, not Physical, Pilgrimage
"Eating and Drinking" in The Quran
Condemning Traditional Translations
How the Scriptures are Corrupted by Vested Interests
The Verses
Chapter 2 - Al-Baqarah (The Heifer)
Chapter 3 - Al-'Imran (The Amramites)
Chapter 4 - An-Nisa' (The Women)
Chapter 5 - Al-Ma'idah (The Food)
Chapter 6 - Al-An'am (The Cattle)
Chapter 7 - Al-A'raf (The Elevated Places)
Chapter 8 - Al-Anfal (The Spoils of War)
Chapter 9 - At-Taubah (Repentance)
Chapter 10 - Yunus (Jonah)
Chapter 11 - Hud (Hood)
Chapter 14 - Ibrahim (Abraham)
Chapter 16 - Al-Nahl (The Bee)
Chapter 17 - Bani Israel (The Israelites)
Chapter 18 - Al-Kahf (The Cave)
Chapter 21 - Al-Anbiya' (The Prophets)
Chapter 22 - Al-Hajj (The Pilgrimage)
Chapter 23 - Al-Mu'minun (The Believers)
Chapter 24 - An-Nur (The Light)
Chapter 25 - Al-Furqan (The Criterion)
Chapter 26 - Ash-Shu'ara' (The Poets)
Chapter 27 - An-Naml (The Ant)
Chapter 29 - Al-'Ankabut (The Spider)
Chapter 30 - Ar-Rum (The Romans)
Chapter 32 - As-Sajdah (The Adoration)
Chapter 33 - Al-Ahzab (The Allies)
Chapter 34 - Saba' (Sheba)
Chapter 36 - Ya Sin (YS)
Chapter 37 - As-Saffat (Those Ranging in Ranks)
Chapter 38 - Sad (Sad)
Chapter 42 - Ash-Shura (Counsel)
Chapter 47 - Muhammad
Chapter 48 - Al-Fath (The Victory)
Chapter 50 - Qaf
Chapter 51 - Ad-Dhariyat (The Scatterers)
Chapter 56 - Al-Waqi'ah (The Event)
Chapter 60 - Al-Mumtahanah (The Test)
Chapter 67 - Al-Mulk (The Kingship)
Chapter 68 - Al-Qalam (The Pen)
Chapter 69 - Al-Haaqqah (Incontestable)
Chapter 70 - Al-Ma'aarej (The Heights)
Chapter 72 - Al-Jinn (The Jinn)
Chapter 80 - 'Abasa (He Frowned)
Chapter 82 - Al-Infitaar (The Shattering)
Chapter 86 - At-Taariq
Chapter 89 - Al-Fajr (The Dawn)
Chapter 91 - Al-Shams (The Sun)
Chapter 95 - At-Tin (The Fig)
Chapter 96 - Al-'Alaq (The Clot)
Chapter 97 - Al-Qadr (The Destiny)
Chapter 100 - Al-'Aadeyaat (The Gallopers)
Chapter 103 - Al-'Asr (The Afternoon)
Chapter 105 - Al-Feel (The Elephant)
Chapter 106 - Al-Quraish
Chapter 107 - Al-Maa'oon (Charity)
Chapter 109 - Al-Kafiroon (The Disbelievers)
Chapter 110 - An-Nasr (Triumph)
Chapter 112 - Al-Ikhlaas (The Absoluteness)
Chapter 113 - Al-Falaq (The Daybreak)
Chapter 114 - An-Naas (The Men)
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Latest News
Thematic Quranic Translation Series – Installment 106 - The Abbreviations (Muqatta’aat) - PART 3
Instalment 102- The reality of The Tragedy of Kerbala
Instalment 101- Ameer Mu’awiyah bin Abi Sufyan Major Misconceptions of the Islamic Civilization
The Chapter Adh-Dhaariyaat (51)(Installment 100)
The Chapter At-Toor (52)(Installment 99)
The Verses
The Quran Explains Itself
The Translated Verses
Chapter 2 - Al-Baqarah (The Heifer)
Chapter 3 - Al-'Imran (The Amramites)
Chapter 4 - An-Nisa' (The Women)
Chapter 5 - Al-Ma'idah (The Food)
Chapter 86 - At-Taariq
Chapter 103 - Al-'Asr (The Afternoon)
Chapter 104 - Al-Humazah (The Backbiter)
Chapter 109 - Al-Kafiroon (The Disbelievers)
Chapter 112 - Al-Ikhlaas (The Absoluteness)
Chapter 113 - Al-Falaq (The Daybreak)
Chapter 114 - An-Naas (The Men)
Hits: 4907
Questions that Intrigue
Every Conscious Soul
And Their Answers
From The Book
The Library
Thematic Translation Installments
Installment 1 - Chapter 33 (Al-Ahzaab)
Installment 2 - Chapter 4 (An-Nisaa)
Installment 3 - Halaal and Haraam Food
Installment 4 - Masjid & Masaajid-Allah
Installment 5 - Chapter 105 (Al-Feel)
Installment 6 - Chapter 80 ('Abasa)
Installment 7 - Death and Resurrection
Installment 8 - Fasting and Pilgrimage
Installment 9 - Chapter 106 (Quraish)
Installment 10 - The Tale of Job
Installment 11 - Chapter 95 (At-Teen)
Installment 12 - The Myth of Prophet Jonah
Installment 13 - Ka'bah and Masjid Al-Haraam
Installment 14 - Zayid and Zainab
Installment 15 - Shortening "Worship Prayer"
Installment 16 - Mohkamaat & Mutashabihaat
Installment 17 - "Deen Al-Qayyam" & "Youm al-Hajj al-Akbar"
Installment 18 - Islamic Ritual of Pilgrimage
Installment 19 - "Ka'bah" & "Masjid al-Haraam"
Installment 20 - Chapter 97 Al-Qadr
Installment 21 - Chapter 18 Al-Kahaf
Installment 22 - Chapter 18 Prophet Moses
Installment 23 - Gog and Magog
Installment 24 - Misconception of Timed Prayers
Installment 25 - Al-Zina and Fohosh
Installment 26 - Allah's Mode of Communication
Installment 27 - The Myth of Noah's "Ark"
Installment 28 - Eating and Drinking
Installment 29 - Fictitious Interpretation of Ribaa
Installment 30 - Mandatory Veil for Women??
Installment 31 - Multiple Wives for the Messenger of Islam??
Installment 32 - Al-Nisa
Installment 33 - Prophet Lot and the Sodomists
Installment 34 - Slavery in the Quran
Installment 35 - Contradictory Nature of Human Self
Installment 36 - Marriages or Human Rights?
Installment 37 - Wives or Weaker Classes of Society
Installment 38 - Chapter 111-Al-Masad - Abi Lahab
Installment 39 - The "Abbreviation" Alif-Laam-Meem
Installment 40 - Joseph and Zuleikha
Installment 41 - "QURBANI" or "ZIBH-E-AZEEM"
Installment 42 - The Hoax of Divorce
Installment 43 - The hoax of "Marriage"
Installment 44 - Chapter 66 At-Tehreem
Installment 45 - Who are Gabriel & Michael
Installment 46 - Chapters 109, 112, 113, 114
Installment 47 - The Myth of Haroot & Maroot
Installment 48 - Chapter 86 At-Taariq
Installment 49 - King Solomon & Queen Sheeba
Installment 50 - The Parting of the Sea
Installment 51 - Chapters 107, 108 & 110
Installment 52 - Chapters 103 & 104
Installment 53 - Chapters 101 & 102
Installment 54 - Chapters 99 & 100
Installment 55 - Chapters 97 & 98
Installment 56 - Chapters 95 & 96
Installment 57 - Chapters 93 & 94
Installment 58 - Chapters 91 & 92
Installment 59 - Chapter 90
Installment 60 - Chapter 89
Installment 61 - Chapter 88
Installment 62 - Chapter 87
Installment 63 - Chapter 2:67-79
Installment 64 - The Creation of Adam
Installment 65 - Chapter Al-Burooj (85)
Installment 66 - Chapter Al-Inshaqaaq (84)
Installment 67 - Chapter Al-Mutaffafeen (83)
Installment 68 - Chapter Al-Infataar (82)
Installment 69 - Chapter At-Takweer (81)
Installment 70 - Chapter ‘Abasa (80)
Installment 71 - Chapter An-Naazi’aat (79)
Installment 72 - Chapter An-Naba’a (78)
Installment 73 - Chapter Al-Mursalaat (77)
Installment 74 - Chapter Al-Insaan (76)
Installment 75 - Chapter Al-Qiyamah (75)
Installment 76 - Chapter Al-Mudaththar (74)
Chapter Al-Muzammil (73) (Installment 77)
Installment 78 - Chapter Al-Jinn (72)
Installment 79 - Chapter Nooh (71)
Installment 80 - Chapter Al-Ma’arij (70)
Installment 81 - Chapter Al-HAAQQAH (69)
Installment 82 - Chapter Al-QALAM (68)
Installment 83 - Chapter Al-MULK (67)
Installment 84 - The Abbreviations (Muqatta’aat) – Part 2
Installment 85 - The Chapter At-Tehreem (66)
Installment 86 - The Chapter At-Talaaq (65)
Installment 87 - The Chapter At-Taghaaban (64)
Installment 88 - The Chapter Al-Munaafiqoon (63)
Installment 89 - The Chapter Al-Jum’ah (62)
Installment 90 - The Chapter Al-Saff (61)
Installment 91 - The Chapter Al-Mumtahinah (60)
Installment 92 - The Chapter Al-Hashar (59)
Installment 93 - The Chapter Al-Mujaadilah (58)
Installment 94 - The Chapter Al-Hadeed (57)
Installment 95 - The Chapter Al-Waqi’ah (56)
Installment 96 - The Chapter Al-Rahmaan(55)
Installment 97 - The Chapter Al-Qamar (54)
Installment 98 - The Chapter An-Najm (53)
Installment 99 - The Chapter At-Toor (52)
Installment 100 - The Chapter Adh-Dhaariyaat (51)
Books & Articles
-The Universe and God
-The Divine Wisdom Behind The Creation of "Everything" in "Pairs"
-The Mystery of the Human Self